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KHBbS Volume 2 spoilers?

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Aqua was in the realm of darkness for 9-10 Years im not sure since she was there with ansem the wise and he got there with the explosion. The Heartless were released on to the world 9 years according to leon and yuffie in kingdom hearts 1. So within that one year something happened. Maybe how Xehanort Turned into a heartless and nobody (Theory's). Is there going to be a Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep 2? That takes place between that one year gap

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Xehanort already turned into a heartless/ Nobody back when he was still Apprentice Xehanort since he had fused his heart with Terra's body. And yes, there will be a BBS Volume 2, it's going to take place during the years Aqua spent in the realm off darkess,

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So we still have KH3D, KHBBSV2, and KH3, KH3 might not come out until 2014 T_T still excited for the other games though


Oh, we're going to have to wait a lot longer for 3 than that. FF Versus XIII has a worldwide 2012 release, and so far, all main games for KH have taken 4 years between releases. I'd expect is around 2016 at the earliest. Of course, this is assuming BBSv2 really is the mystery game.


But speaking of which, who's going to develop it? The Osaka team (<3) is busy with 3D, the KH team is busy with Versus, and I seriously doubt it's h.a.n.d. or the team that made the original coded. The Crisis Core team, who also wanted to make BBS but were beaten by Osaka, are busy with Agito right now, soo...


I have no clue :


Aqua was in the realm of darkness for 9-10 Years

11 years actually.


im not sure since she was there with Ansem the wise and he got there with the explosion. The Heartless were released on to the world 9 years according to leon and yuffie in kingdom hearts 1. So within that one year something happened. Maybe how Xehanort Turned into a heartless and nobody (Theory's).

We already know that's what happened. In that one year, Xehanort rose to become Ansem's brightest apprentice. Ansem conducted experiments on Xehanort's heart to help him unlock his lost memories, Xehanort recovered some of his old memories as Terra and MX, the apprentices performed darkness experiments on the townspeople and created Heartless, Xehanort opened the door to Radiant Garden's heart and threw the Realm of Light into chaos, Xehanort sent Kairi offworld in hopes that she would lead him to the Keyblade, etc.


Is there going to be a Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep 2? That takes place between that one year gap

After watching the secret episode vids, probably. Nomura did say that there were things that he wanted the players to see for themselves, and in that one year, a shitload of stuff happened.

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I wonder if it will be on the psp or psp2...The ps2 has no umd and is basically just like a pspgo when I read about it in the game informer magizine.


that or it could be on the PS2 or PS3 oh BTW off topic but I just LOVE your Signature FireVentus, that totally made my day!

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I wonder if it will be on the psp or psp2...The ps2 has no umd and is basically just like a pspgo when I read about it in the game informer magizine.


that or it could be on the PS2 or PS3 oh BTW off topic but I just LOVE your Signature FireVentus, that totally made my day!


Nomura said years ago that there wouldn't be anymore KH games on the PS2. PS3 is likely, but we all know the first KH game to grace that console would be KH3. I'm guessing the PSP, just for consistency, and because the PSP2 isn't even official.

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I wonder if it will be on the psp or psp2...The ps2 has no umd and is basically just like a pspgo when I read about it in the game informer magizine.


that or it could be on the PS2 or PS3 oh BTW off topic but I just LOVE your Signature FireVentus, that totally made my day!


Its good you like it.:D

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It will probably be for PSP2 since 3DS took 1 KH game, PSP2 needs another KH game :P thats how system works now :P


You're referring to the PSP, right? The PSP2 is a completely different system, isn't even official, and has no KH games.

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It will probably be for PSP2 since 3DS took 1 KH game, PSP2 needs another KH game :P thats how system works now :P


You're referring to the PSP, right? The PSP2 is a completely different system, isn't even official, and has no KH games.


Gah, sorry, i know that PSP2 has no KH game. But I think that this one is for PSP2, since sony needs a good franchise for the new handheld. Yeah, its not official, but it exists. Soon we will learn more about it and we will get our confirmation then xD

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Reversal, I've wondered that too, about which team will handle it. I would guess that the Osaka team would develop it alongside 3D. If the game is for the PSP or a similar console, and uses the exact same engine, maps and stuff as BBS, it wouldn't take them long to make it at all.

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That's why I think it's about to complete, or is already in a good phase of development. They thought it all around the time of BBS and now they surprised us with this. They haven't been telling us something and we might get another game sooner than we thought. I mean Nomura said he wanted to release 1 game per year, and DDD seems to me like it's going to be finished until 2012, so BBSV2 would fit perfectly for 2011, don't you think?

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I'll be seriously pissed if it's for the psp2. And I really doubt SE are actually going to call it BBS:Volume 2. It needs a better name now.

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Aqua was in the realm of darkness for 9-10 Years im not sure since she was there with ansem the wise and he got there with the explosion. The Heartless were released on to the world 9 years according to leon and yuffie in kingdom hearts 1. So within that one year something happened. Maybe how Xehanort Turned into a heartless and nobody (Theory's). Is there going to be a Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep 2? That takes place between that one year gap


Okay BBS Volume Two is NOT a new game. It's the name of the trailer.

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A BBS Volume Two of SOME sort would be cool I think. They'd just...need to rename it. I kind of hope it's the mystery game Nomura talked about. There's no real news on the PSP2 yet, and I'd personally prefer if they just put this mystery game on the PSP like BBS. I've already had to buy two systems (PS2 + PSP) for KH games, and this PSP2 idea would just bug me. Besides, the PSP is a good enough system. It's got graphics that are actually really good, even if the 3DS looks like it's pushing pass that level now, like, do we REALLY need the mystery KH game to be on an upcoming system? After all, we got two KH games on the DS, so I'd be fine with two KH games on the PSP.


I would not be happy about buying a PSP2. I might do it if they did release a KH game on it, but I'd rather save a few hundred dollars, y'know?

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Okay BBS Volume Two is NOT a new game. It's the name of the trailer.


(Secret ending) But yes its like Deep Dive and the game doesn't have a confirmed title yet (then again the KH2FM secret ending was named Birth by Sleep), but there IS a game coming out based on that secret ending.

I say it should be on the PSP, if I remember right the PSP2 is download only, right? And didn't Disney refuse to let BBS go up for download on the PS store? But maybe BBSv2 will be on the PSP and then I think KH3 should be on the PS3

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