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YESSS! I'm so pumped right now!

Hunchback of Notre Dame

The revealing of the 3D meaning (which is Dream, Drop, Distance)

And the gameplay looks siiick!

This just made my night...

What'd you guys think?

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That only means that there's a chance we'll be seeing more hopefully sooner than others. I personally can't wait. We're supposed to get another trailer on the 27th if i heard right so in about a week we should see a bit more. Something like other worlds that will be in it would be nice, maybe some dialog origional to the game too.

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We're supposed to get another trailer on the 27th if i heard right so in about a week we should see a bit more.


Where did you hear this from?

Just asking, because some sources aren't reliable.


I'm absolutely excited about it. Though the title is curious.

It really doesn't make much sense. I wonder what the meaning behind it is.

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We're supposed to get another trailer on the 27th if i heard right so in about a week we should see a bit more.


Where did you hear this from?

Just asking, because some sources aren't reliable.


I'm absolutely excited about it. Though the title is curious.

It really doesn't make much sense. I wonder what the meaning behind it is.


i had seen someone else make that comment, on the trailer coming out on the 27th. don't remember if they said where they heard it from, but they seemed pretty confident about it, so i almost want to go with it.

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I believe you've misheard, got it memorized. You see, they're putting up the trailer from the conference on the site in HD. Besides that, Square-Enix haven't really shown the trailer publicly ba the stream officially, so, I don't believe it's a new trailer.

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that game will be epic but its been different to older trailers had a lot more spoilers to it then usal


Isn't that just because we know practically nothing about it prior to the trailer? Due to the info ban and all, they haven't been able to release as much news as they usually would.

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That is sweet! Did you see Sora and Riku jumping and flipping all over the place??? Finally some depth in the worlds ^-^ I can't wait


Yeah, those flips looked flipping fun!And the Traverse Town looks like it has good depth in it, just like the first game, but I just REALLY hope that the other worlds have lots of depth. I swear, if all the worlds are just barren, empty, and overly-linear, I'm going to eat my 3DS. 0_o

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I believe you've misheard, got it memorized. You see, they're putting up the trailer from the conference on the site in HD. Besides that, Square-Enix haven't really shown the trailer publicly ba the stream officially, so, I don't believe it's a new trailer.


I stand corrected then. trailers not new....got it.

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