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Image A sad but true fact...

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It a sad fact... that a ton of people homeless here in America... :( This came to my attention when me and my family were driving home yesterday (I like to look out the window, it helps me think) we stopped at a light... there on the corner was a homeless family,a man, his wife and two little girls about 3 years old. I nearly burst into tears because I know how it feels to be homeless... to feel hopeless... This picture is my way of telling them and everyone there is hope.

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Well, more than 600 people lost their home here in Brazil in the last month, then if you just look up at the number of homeless people that already existed you'll see that there isn't much we can do. It's sad but, we haven't got a solution. T.T

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Well, more than 600 people lost their home here in Brazil in the last month, then if you just look up at the number of homeless people that already existed you'll see that there isn't much we can do. It's sad but, we haven't got a solution. T.T


I heard about that... :( really this problem is all over the world but we never notice that its in your own neighborhood... G! you are totality right we still don't have a solution... and Thx roxas stalker! :D

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What you said id all true and really, I do wish there was something we could to help these people. Btw, that drawing was well-made the little boy you drew reminds me the boy from the awful movie "The Road" x.x don't kil me for that but really, a couple of homeless people wandering throw somewhere and the boy carry a teddy bear. AWWW I can't stop remember scenes from that film ! x.x

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over 600 people have lost their homes here in brazil... lol, gizelita already said that xD

anyway, I love you now, I love people who care about the homeless, and you know what? when I grow up, I'll make sandwiches and give them to the poor. we can all do our part, but really, don't give them MONEY, because we never know if they're gonna use the money for drugs.

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Sad but beautiful. Once I ran away from home and was homeless for two weeks and it was horrible. I can't imagine what it'd be like to have to go through that everyday.

me either... I was homeless for a few days and just that was a nightmare...



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Well, it's a sad situation but it was created by ourselves, and there's no other place for them, they have no money, no study, nothing, and the population in th world is getting bigger everyday, what means we're having over populated cities every day, I really think that the cathastrophes that are happening every year (take Rio de Janeiro as a Brazilian example, more than 600 homeless and more than 200 dead) are the reaction of the nature to our actions, cause things can't continue the way they are.

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^This, and the government didn't do shit about those over flows. They said, "Oh, there's gona be a lot of water, so be careful!^^" and I think that wasn't enough. There have been catastrophes WAY worse then this one in other places, but the government warned them and almost NO ONE died. Stupid Dilma, just took the throne and is already doing shit..

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Lula didn't do great things either, but things are taking the worst turn and as expectators we'll just be able to watch and see what will happen. I wonder when people will start to see that the benefits the government is giving them don't match the bad things the government is doing.

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Well, they live in a world apart you know, they just sit in their mansions doing nothing and having everything done for them, money overflowing from all directions, they don't want and won't open their eyes to our reality.

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