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Website errors

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Error 1:

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.


SQL Error:

1203 - User dchiuch_dchiuch already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections


[READ] Unable to connect to MySQL server

Please contact the MyBB Group for support.



Error 2:

This http request has been decliend due to the web site you are connecting to exeeding its number of http connections allowed. If you are the webmaster this is normally seen when offering large files for downloads, thus causing many clients to have prolongued connections to the web server while downloads complete. This message will be cleared once the level of concurrent connections is reduced.


What is going on? I keep getting these 2 error messages. It is only on the forums too.

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I think when we get the "new" forum, that'll be fixed. There doesn't seem to be a point in doing it now. I get the same messages. I think it's the site host (MyBB), and has nothing to do with anything the staff is doing.

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