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Did Ven give Vanitas a REAL body or not...?

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Okay so this is me theorizing on all the KHUX Darkness lore now we know or can heavily assume Vanitas is one - the one they fought in data daybreak town, the one who killed strelitzia, etc.

so we know Darknesses lose their will, their sense of self and memories, the longer they're floating around outside a host body's...well, body and Heart.

we also know Ven used his light to "reshape him into a form they could defeat", which i am gonna assume meant literally giving him a physical form = the red and black dark suited form he emerges as when xehanort rips him out of Ven's Heart in BBS. he was already like that BEFORE Ven connected to Sora, so that tracks.

but my real meaty question here is this: is this body Ven gave him just some "psuedo body", or does it actually count as a "physical form" that allows Vanitas to exist outside of Ven/his host's body without degradation of mind and self?

we don't know how long it would take a Darkness to start losing themselves - it could take like ten years, or maybe a hundred.

but we do at least know Vanitas existed fine for the FOUR YEARS he was apprenticed to Xehanort, when Ven was sent to Eraqus.

so that is maybe proof that the "body" Ven created for him DOES count as a valid physical form that keeps a Darkness's will from fading.

OR four years isn't enough for the process to start, and Vanitas was actually done a favor when Ven beat him in the end of BBS and took him back into his Heart in his pure darkness form.

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I've wondered about this as well. Whilst I don't know the exact answer, I think Vanitas' body must have been like Sora's body when Kairi changed him back from being a Heartless. His body looked and seemingly acted like normal but it was incomplete until Roxas returned to him. Therefore I think Vanitas' body must also have been incomplete without Ven. Though of course both Vanitas and Roxas obtained their own complete bodies in KH3. 

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Regardless of whether it's a pseudo or actual physical form I believe that just having form would allow Vanitas to exist without losing himself. The shadows in KHUx likely succumb to those conditions because they are literally without form. Because of this I believe he would not fade so long as he maintained that form we know and love.

I think Ventus coincidentally achieved his goal to give the Darkness physical form as opposed to him reshaping him by his own will. Vanitas was forcefully extracted from him and Ven had no recollection of the past in that moment. Though the act of him taking the darkness into his own heart and escaping on lifeboat led him to that point so in that regard he did pave the way to him being reshaped into that physical form. I wonder if he'll make an appearance again in the future; Considering that Ven defeated him at the end of BBS and the original Vanitas hasn't shown up in the series since.

7 hours ago, Hoshiko Hikari said:

Though of course both Vanitas and Roxas obtained their own complete bodies in KH3. 

In KH3 and Dream Drop Distance the Vanitas that we see is pulled from the past to be part of the True Organization XIII. Unlike Roxas his Replica body is temporary and he is returned to his current time after being defeated.


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