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Ban The User Above You!

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xD Banned because I officially finished Ouran High Scho Host Club. The ending was soooo sad...well, no...it was...happy. Joyful. So joyful...it...shot something into my eye. And made it water. It must've shot something. ;~;

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I was amazed when Riku stabbed Maleficent.


"Allow me to demonstrate. BEHOLD!"


Banned because I'm thinking of my favorite Disney villains


1. Scar or Chernabog

2. Jafar

3. Hades

4. Barbossa

5. Oogie Boogie

6. Davy Jones/Kraken

7. Captain Hook

8. Ursula, Flotsam, and Jetsam

9. Clayton

10. Queen of Hearts and the Card Soldiers

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Banned cuz my favorite Disney vilian. Issss.....


RIKU IN KH1! duh :P


Also, maybe Malificant. Although Scar's theme was also really awesome.




Oh and I like that lady from The Emporers New Groove who became a really cute periwinkle cat xD

Edited by ~DawnStar2004~

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