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FFXIV Dawntrail Chat

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you aren't supposed to stop using cure 1 or 2 once you unlock cure 3

each serves a different purpose for different situations

i think you can replace the damage actions and medica, and it will still synch tho, they are just bigger numbers

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well yeah its the same as post heavensward where they hint the first

now we gonna go to thirteenth

What I want though is for them to not have scions for an expac

let us meet new people that can be a core group

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I feel mixed regarding it but then they also made me love Zenos with Endwalker

it will be really hard. A lot of people have issues with Wuk due to her overpresence in the msq

so a way to solve this could be less but more effective scenes with her while still making our character more important

that way they can gaslight players through psychology into thinking "hey Wuk isn't actually that bad when she has less scenes"

which could end up saving the reception of the character

and her VA also needs to improve a lot in emotional scenes

and it needs better voice direction

idk why it's so hard for the new writers to copy Venat

Endwalker added such a strong female and badass character with her

even Zero is great and she was written by the same writer

which makes me wonder what went wrong

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I wish he would be more often like this

In the past they made the mistake that they listened too much to the playerbase

they gave players what they asked for but not what they needed

gamers are terrible at coming up with actual solutions

the easy way would have been to just write her out of the story but they won't do that this time

they did the same with Zenos and Alphinaud and it paid off

xiv community absolutely firetrucking hated alphinaud in ARR

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