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Text Orgy Rumble.This wasn't in the job description!

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Just an attepmt to be...funny.


Chapter one:


It was a normal day in The World That Never Was.Everything seemed OK.But yet again.Vexen was experimenting on something.So it was never sure.Everyone was at Vexen's lab.Just waiting for Vexen to tell them something since he had called them all there.


Xemnas:Number four.You have had us here for two hours.


Siax:Xemnas is right.Instead of being here.We could have gone to defeat that keyblade wielding brat.Or search around the worlds.All in order to finish-


Xigbar:If you say 'Kingdom' and 'Hearts' in the same sentence one more time,you are going to regret it.




Vexen:Now now.It will only be a few mopre minutes.


Luxord:That you siad a bloody hour ago!


Larxene:Can we atleast eat?


Vexen:No one leaves until I am finished.This could mean the victory and teh return of our Hearts.


Larxene:*growls and looks at Demyx eating cookies*Hey,Demyx.Are those cookies?


Demyx:*looks at her and hides teh cookies*Um.No.


Larxene:Yes they are you liar!Give me one.


Xaldin:I want one too.


Roxas:Can I have one?


Demyx:*hides cookies and holds them tight*Get away!They're mine!


Xemnas:Vexen.May I have a word with you?Axel.Come along.


Xemnas,Vexen and Axel go outside the lab.


Xemnas:How much longer is this going to take?


Axel:Yeah.Me and Roxy just missed our special hour of relaxation and f...er,I mean.*whistles innocently*


Xemnas and Vexen stears at him.






Demyx was bored since he had eaten all of his cookies.Not sharing them with the other members.He tehn decided to take a closer look of what Vexen was doing.


Marluxia: Demyx,what are you doing?


Demyx:Just checking around.I'm bored.


Xaldin:Be sure that you don't turn us into frogs.


Demyx:Nag nag nag.


Demyx walked over to the liquids that were around in crystal encasements.He took one and sniffed it.Then he took a sip.His thoung turned multi color.He talked with his thoung out.


Demyx:Hey,wook at me.I have a wainbow thoung!


Luxord:Look to see if you can find a liquid that can make your thoung dissapear.


The memebers laugh except Demyx.Who still had his thoung out.


Demyx:Whor your inwhormation.My words are words of whisthwom and power.So you shut up Luxord.


Demyx then accidentally spells the liquid into another liquid.It starts to shine.


Demyx:Uh oh...


Siax:Number nine!What have you done this time?!


Demyx:Nothing,I swear!




Vexen:It's just a very small back set up.I promise you Xemnas.Everything is under control.


Suddenly an explotion is heard from inside the lab.They run inside.After a few moments the smoke clears up.


Vexen:Who touched my experiment?!Huh?*looks around and then looks down*WTFBBBQ?!


Vexen was scared.Axel and Xemnas looked down to see teh reason of why.The explotion had turned the organization members into babies.






Tell me if it's any good please.

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Chapter two:


Xemnas:The members...assasins trained to kill and fight...have turned into babies?!


Axel:*picks up baby Roxas*AW!~Roxy looks more adorable then the usual!


Xemnas:*glares at Vexen*Vexen...




Xemnas:*grabs Vexen by the shirt*Fix this.NOW.


Vexen:I-I-I wish I knew how Xemnas.I wish I knew how.But someone mixed up the liquids and now it will take extensive study.And it might take quite a while.Maybe...a year?


Xemnas:A YEAR?!WE DON'T HAVE A YEAR!Kingdom Hearts AND MY HEART IS ON THE LINE HERE!*sees Axel walk away with Roxas*Hold it right there Axel.Don't you even think of using baby Roxas to make your AkuRoku fansite more popular.


Axel:Fine.*looks at Roxas*






Axel:As in Lady Gaga?


Xemnas:How old are they?!


Vexen:Um,about...one to two years.


Xemnas:*lets Vexen go and sighs*Please tell me that you can fix this.


Vexen:I'm sure that there must be a fix to this.In the mean time.We'll need to take care of them...*looks at the babies*


Xigbar and Luxord were playing when Demyx walked by.Luxord took one of the cards that were on the floor and threw one at Demyx and hits him right in the head.Demyx then falls back and starts to cry.Xigbar and Luxord giggle.Then Roxas came to Demyx and Demyx stopped crying.He played with his mullet.Xaldin and Siax were fighting over a piece of paper with a Heart drawned on it.Leaxaous just sat there.Zexion was looking at the pictures of one of Vexen's science books.And Marluxia and Larxene were just playing with eachother's hair.


Vexen:*sighs*Just take care of them and I'll figure everything out.


Xemnas:Fine.I'll take care of them.*walks over to them*Members of organization 13.I commans you to go to your rooms and stay there until Vexen finds out an antidote for this.After you go back to reality.You shall make up for the missions that you will accumulate up.Now go.*sees that the babies ignore everything they said and just kept at it doing what they were doing.*How dare you ignore me?!Go to your rooms.NOW!


Axel:Xemnas.They're babies.Not teenegers or adults.Remember?You need to make them want something for them to obey you a abit.


Xemnas:And how do you expect them to obey me if it's not by an order?


Axel:Easy.Hold on a sec.*goes away for a few minutes then comes back with a few stuff*


Xemnas:What are you doing?


Axe:*smirks*Xigbar and Xaldin.Look.I have a knife and it's pointy,sharp and dangerous.Luxord.Look.Cards and munny.Oh Leaxaus.I have a hammer for you,and a book for Zexion.And here.A mirror for Marluxia and Larxene.And some music notes for Demyx.A Heart drawing for Siax.And for Roxy...SEA-SALT ICE-CREAM!!!!


The memeber's eyes widen and seemed to shine when they saw all of the stuff.



Axel:Follow me!~*walks away*


All of them follow Axel out of the lab.


Xemnas:*sees this*I...cannot belive this.


Vexen:That's Axel for you.The number one babysitter around.


Xemnas:I shall follow him...*follows Axel.*

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Chapter three:


Axel:*keeps walking as the members follow him*


Xemnas:*catches up to Axel*So,Axel.How much of babysitting do you know of this?


Axel:I know enough.*gets to the living room*


Xemnas:The living room?What are we suppouse to do here?


Axel:Here the babies will play and stay still for a while.


Xemnas:Ah now I see.Hm.Let me give this a try.*graps a pencil*See this Demyx?This is a stick.Go get it Demyx.Go boy!*throws stick away*




Axel:Um.Sir.They're babies.Not dogs.*sees Siax getting the stick and sitting liek a puppy*


Axel and Xemnas:O_O'


Axel:Anywho.You have to play with them with thing they like.



Xemnas: Oh...*walks over to Xaldin.*Um,here lil Xaldin.Here's a nice knife for you to play with it.Go get it boy.*Xemnas throws a knife to the floor*


Axel:What the hell?!That is NOT safe for them!*takes knife away*


Xemnas:But.I saw you wanting him to come because of that knife.


Axel:Yeah.But I wasn't going to give it to him for real!Non of this things.


Xemnas:But,won't they-


Then on cue the members start to cry.Axel and Xemnas cover their ears.


Xemnas:What do we do to stop them?!Give them a raise?!


Axel:Um.No.This.*turns on the TV*


TV:Quick Poapu boy!To the Riku mobile!*hero theme plays*



The members see the TV and get distracted by the cartoons.


Xemnas:What the-?


Axel:TV.It never fails.


Xemnas;Well,this is good.We can let them watch TV until Vexen is done with it.


Axel:They can't watch TV for ever.They need to eat.Rest.Sleep.Like us only more delicate.Isn't that right lil Roxy Moxy?


Xemnas:-_-'...Ahem.OK.Well.Come.We must see how Vexen is doing.


Axel: OK.Be good kids.


Axel and Xemnas walk away.


Demyx:*stears at the TV.Then sees a fly walk by.He tries to catch it.The fly flies away.He chases it*


Xigbar:*looks back and chases Demyx*


Luxord:*sees Xigbar and follows him*


Larxene:*sees lighting out the window and tries to go out*


Marluxia:*walks away*


Laxeus and Zexion:*stays still*


Xaldin:*walks away following Marluxia*


Roxas:*follows Xaldin*


Axel:*comes in*Here lil kiddies.I have blankets.AHHH!Where did they go?!


Xemnas: Something wrong?


Axel:The babies are gone!!!




Axel:This is not good!


Xemnas:Where could they be?!


Axel:Um,let's see.They still have their personalities.So they must be doing thinsg they like to do or stuff.


Xemnas:Um.OK.Xaldin.Where could he be?


Xemnas and Axel:*look at eachother*THE TRAINING ROOM!!!!

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Axel and Xemnas run to the training room.They see Xaldin crawling around the training room.


Axel:There he is!Xaldy!


Xaldin:Gagobabu.*presses a red button*


Computer:Traning level.Critical.


Xemnas: Oh crap.


Then the doors lock down and the training seccion begun.Samurai Robots appeared with eaight swords for arms.Giant chainsaws appeared and dissapeared randomly on the walls and floors.Booby traps that leaded to a bed of nails appeared everywhere.And some flamethrowers threw fire around.Xaldin's eyes seemed to shine and glitter as he saw all of the pointy weapons.


Xemnas:O0O!Who desingned this level?!


Axel:You can thank Larxene for it.


Xaldin:*starts to walk towards the robots and machinary*


Axel:*screams*No Xaldin no!*runs towards Xaldin.Dodges getting slashed by the chainsaws*


Xaldin:*sees the robots*Gaga!


Axel:*uses his chakarms to attack the robots*No Xaldin.That is not Lady Gaga.Everyone knows that she is alot more freaky.


Xaldin:*walks and a booby traps appears and he falls*


Xemnas:NOOOOO!*Throws himself on the floor and catches Xaldin just in time.He stands up*I got you.


Flamethrowers:*lock on Xemnas and Xaldin*Target selected.*shoots fire*


Xemnas:*screams and runs for his life*AXEL!PUT THE TRAINING SECCION DOWN!!!


Axel:*jumps and presses the button*


Computer:Training seccion canceled.




Xemnas:There.That's one.


Vexen:*comes in*What happened here?


Axel:The babies-The members-they're gone!




Xemnas:The babies appear to have gotten bored form 'The Adventures of Poapu Boy',and run off around the castle.


Vexen:This is not good.We must find them!


Axel:Well.We have already found Xaldin.We just need to find the rest.


Vexen:I'll take Xaldin away now.*takes Xaldin away and walks out*


Axel: OK.Xaldin is safe.Now.Let's see.Where could Larxene be?*lighting falls outside.He looks out the window*




Axel and Xemnas run outside to see where Larxene was.They find her crawling around,playing in a puddle.As lighting falls down.


Xemnas:Larxene I command you to stop doing just a childish thing and come here right this instant!


Axel:*stears at Xemnas*Have you leanred NOTHING?!*sees a lighting about to fall on Larxene*LARXEEEEEEEEEEEEENE!*picks up Larxene but he gets electrocuted.Smoke starts to come off him*




Xemnas:*takes Larxene*Um,you OK?


Axel:I'm fine...just smoked.


Xemnas:Hold on a second.Usually Larxene and Marluxia are always together.Where did Marluxia go?


Xemnas and Axel think for a few seconds and then stears at eachother.Then they go and stand infront of the door that leads to the bathroom.


Axel:*opens the door to find Marluxia stearing at himself in the mirror*


Xemnas and Axel:-_-'


Axel:*picks up Marluxia and goes to the living room.Sees Vexen.*


Vexen:There you are.Here.I made a playpen so they can stay still and don't get away that easily.


Xemnas:*puts Larxene in the playpen*


Axel:*puts Marluxia in the playpen*




Axel:*gives Marluxia a mirror*


Marluxia:*stops crying and stears at himself in the mirror*


Axel:Next is Xigbar and Luxord.But where could THEY be?


Xemnas:Where are guns found here?


Axel:In Xigbar's room!


Xemnas and Axel run to Xigbar's room.


Xemnas:*opens the door to find Xigbar and Luxord with guns in their hands and pointing them at eachother*


Axel: Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no!Give me those.*takes Luxord's gun away.Takes Xigbar's gun away but Xigbar pulls the trigger and Axel gets shot in the chest*AHHHH!Oh no!The pain!Argh!Vexen!Come quick!Pheonix down!*falls down holding his wound*AHHHHH!AHHHHH!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


Xemnas:T_T*stears Axel as he screams*Axel...Axel...AXEL!




Xemnas:You don't have a heart.Remember?YOU CAN'T DIE FROM A SHOT TO THE HEART!


Axel: Oh yeah.*stands up and takes Xigbar and Luxord*




Xemnas and Axel take Luxord and Xigbar to the playpen.


Xemnas:Who is next?


Axel:Let's see.We found Xigbar,Xaldin,Larxene and Marluxia.Zexion and Lexaus stayed.We just need to find Roxas,Siax and Demyx.


Xemnas: Siax.Where could he ever be?


Axel:I think I have an idea.


Axel and Xemnas go to the top of the catsle where Kingdom Hearts was visible.They see Siax with some paper and crayons.


Axel: Siax?


-A delicate/nostalgic piano music starts to play-


Siax:*draws a heart on a piece of paper and paints it color pink.Then he hugs it*






Axel:What's wrong?


Xemnas:My most trusted adviser has turned into a sissy!


Axel:Just shut it Xemnas.*picks up Siax and takes him to the playpen*


Xemnas:Where is Demyx now?*hears some crashing.Runs to the mailroom and sees some boxes moving.Moves the boxes and sees Demyx covered in tape*There you are.*picks up Demyx and takes him to the living room*I have found Tutape-Demyx.*puts Demyx in the playpen*That's all.


Axel:Wait.Where's Roxy?!*hears some plates break.Runs to the kitchen and sees Roxas crawling around the counters.*




Roxas:*crawls around and gets on the fridge.Tries to get the cookie jar*


Axel:Be careful Roxy pooh!


Roxas:*falls down*


Axel:*catches Roxas just in time*You're safe now my wittle Roxy Poxy.


Roxas:*bites Axel's nose*



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Axel takes Roxas back to the playing pen and after a few minutes they all fall asleep.Except for Xemnas,Axel and Vexen.


Axel: Phew.That was close.Now atleast we will have some time to rest.


Xemnas:Indeed.But now we will have to focus on going on all of the missions that we will need to do.


Axel:With what time?


Vexen:Axel is right.I will be occupied trying to figure out a cure for all of this.


Axel:And I'll be taking care of them.*points at the babies*


Xemnas:Easy.I will take care of the babies and you will just have to work over-time,Axel.


Axel:Nu-uh!I am NOT going to work over time.


Xemnas:Well,what do you expect us to do?


Vexen:I may have an idea...but it's going to be a tricky one.


Axel and Xemnas:*stear at Vexen.*


-10 minutes later-


Xemnas and Axel:*arrive on Destiny Islands*


Xemnas:I cannot belive that you have convinced me to do this tomfoolery.


Axel: Stop whining.


Axel and Xemnas walk around until they reach to Sora's house.


Xemnas:*slams the door open*Greetings warriors of light.


Sora:It's mansex!


Kairi:Get him!


Xemnas:I do not came to-what do you mean by 'mansex'?!*gets tackled down by Riku and Sora*


Axel:Hey!Don't!Stop it!Guys!GUYS!


Xemnas,Kairi,Sora and Riku:What?!


Axel:To starters.We did not came here to fight.We came here in peace.


Sora:That you said the last time!


Axel:I mean it this time.


Riku:No you don't.


Axel:Yes I do.




Axel:I don't lie.


Sora: Of course you all.We all lie.


Riku:The only one that dosn't lie is the cake.


Kairi:The cake does not lie.


Axel:Really?It dosn't lie?




Axel:Wow.But what about the hot dog?Does the hot dog lie?


Kairi:I don't know.Riku,does the hot dog lies?










Xemnas:ENOUGH!!!We came here to ask a favor of all of you!


Sora:Witch is?


Axel and Xemnas explains what has happened.


Riku: So,a gone wrong experiment turned everyone in the organization except You two and Vexen into babies and you are asking us to babysit them?


Xemnas and Axel:Yeah,pretty much.


Sora:Hm,I dunno.


Axel:You get to have chocolate chip cookies.~


Sora:We shall become babysitters!


Kairi: SORA!


Sora:What?Cookies don't lie?They never lie.


Axel: So,you accept?


Sora,Kairi and Riku:Yeah.OK.

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Axel and Xemnas return to the castle with Riku,Sora and Kairi.


Xemnas:They're right there.*Xemnas points at the crib*


Kairi,Riku and Sora:*walk over to the crib to see all of the members turned into babies.




Riku:I never expected this in the saga.


Kairi:Me either.


Sora:Think it will become a spin off?


Riku: Depending od how many fangirls attack Nomura to make him do it.


-Somewhere in Square Enix HQ-



Nomura:*sits in a emo corner in the fetal position*Happy place...Happy place...


-Back at the Organization's castle-


Sora:*picks Marluxia up*You gave me so much trouble in Re:Com.Look who's small now betch!


Marluxia:*bites Sora's finger*


Sora:OW!!!*lets Marluxia go*My finger.


Riku:Cry baby.


Sora:*sticks his thoung out at Riku*


Xemnas:Vexen is working on the antidote on all of this.Me and Axel will work on a mission as you take care of them.Be careful though.They have becomed back stabbing demons ever since they turned into babies.


Kairi:I'm sure we won't have any problems.


Xigbar:*stears at Kairi*Ga...


Luxord:*smaks him and laughs*


Xigbar:*grolws and tries to choke Luxord*


Xemnas: See?


Sora:Hold on.Why us?


Axel:You were the last ones on the list.


Riku:Really?How come you picked up us if we were the last?


Axel and Xemnas:*stear at eachother*



-5 hours earlier-


Sephiroth:*shoots at Xaldin and tries to get him*


Xaldin:*dodges all shots and laughs.Sticks out thoung at Sephiroth*






Sephiroth:Now you asked for it!


Xemnas and Axel:*try to stop Sephiroth*


Axel:I told you he was a bad idea!!!!


-4 hours earlier-


Queen of Hearts: OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!


Axel:No!No heads are coming off!


Cards:*try to catch babies*


Axel: DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ROXY!!!*runs and jumps over a card*I'L SAVE YOU ROXYYYYYY!~




-2 hours earlier-


Justin Beiver:*sings 'Baby'*




-Present time-

Xemnas:*looks at Sora:*Failed attempts.Now take care of them as we go.*creates a portal*Come on Axel.


Axel: OK.Now remember.Roxas is allergic to cheese.And remember.The cake does not lie so you can eat it.Alos.He likes sea-salt ice-cream and see the sunset while eating it.


Xemnas:*grabs Axel and drags him into the portal*


Axel:And remember to change his dipers!And don't put Justin Beiver music.They will DIE!!!*passes through the portal dissapears*

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(Meh,what the heck,let me finish this atleast once.)



Sora: So,what do we do now?*stares at the babies*


Kairi:Xemnas said to watch over them until they return from the mission


Roxas:*starts to cry*


Sora:*picks him up*.


Riku:I wonder what mission is it anyways.




Xemnas and Axel re-appear in Disney Town


Xemnas:*looks around*This place is happy...to happy for my taste.*A bettle lands on Xemna's shoulder and hands him a flower. Xemnas flicks it off*


Axel:*wearing a Mickey mouse hat,and licking a lollypop*Cheer up Xemnas. This place rocks.


Xemnas:Right,all happy and joyful...it makes me want to vomit.


Axel:Waht's on the list anywho's. *licks lollypop*


Xemnas:We need to look for some ingridients for the antidote. The first one is soppouse to be a giant strawberry.


Axel:Where are we gonna find a giant strawberry?


Xemnas:*points at the fruit smacking game*




Xemnas and Axel walk over to the game and see the machine ready to shoot some fruit.


Xemnas: Ok Axel,this is no problem,we just need to catch a strawberry and bring it back to the castle. No big deal,right?


-10 minutes later-




Xemnas and Axel are holding giant nets and are dodging fruots waiting for the right one to appear.


Axel:I HATE DISNEY HUMOR!*dodges a giant peach*


Xemnas:*dodges,dodges,dodges,trips and gets hit by a grape*


Axel:*catches a fruit*Is this it?!




Axel:*keeps dodging and sees one. catches it*I'VE GOT IT!~










Roxas:*keeps crying*


Sora:AHHH,what do we do to shut him up?!


Riku:*brings out way to dawn*




Riku:*lowers way to dawn*




Xemnas and Axel appear in Land of the Dragons next


Xemnas and Axel:*wearing a traditional mask and a traditional japanese outfit*


Xemnas:I feel like an idiot.


Axel:I feel hot.


Xemnas:*smacks Axel*Enough,we need to get the next ingridient,the rare tiger lily flower.


Axel:According to this schedule there will be a Tiger lily being presented at the flower festival.




Axel:*drags Xemnas into the flower festival*




Axel:*drags him back in*


Xemnas:*scratches the ground*AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!




Roxas:*keeps crying*


Kairi:*in a Maka from SE costume*He's still crying




Sora:Well,there has to be something.*in a maid costume playing monopoly with Demyx*


Demyx:*takes away all of his properties and eats the pieces of the game*


Sora:*glares*I hate you...


Kairi: Sora,get your ass over here.


Sora:*goes over to them*Well,we just need to figure this out. Oh yeah,Riku,I think you can take off the costume now.


Riku:I'M TRYING,I CAN'T GET IT OFF!*struggles to take costume off*


Xaldin:*grabs the tail of the costume*


Riku:*stares*Get off you runt.


The babies*:start to crawl up and cover Riku*


Riku:What the-get off me!*falls down*


Babies:*start to drag Riku away giggleling*




Sora:Hm,what could it be.


Babies:*cover Riku's mouth with a diaper and drag him away*

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Axel: Let's see. The flower carp should be around...there. *points at a giant carp*


Xemans: *in the fetal position rocking back and forth*Darkness,hatred,Hearts...


Axel: *drags Xemnas in the carp and they sit down on some seats*


Xemans: *looks down emoly* This is ridicolous,how ccould a lord of Darkness such as myself reach to such low standards like this?


Axel: SHHHH!It's starting. *eats cotton candy*


Xemans: Where did you got that?I want some.


Axel: Get your own.


Council man: *gets on the stand* Welcome all to the flower festival. Today we will present some of the rarest,one-of-a-kind flowers. We

shall start with the rare...HALICUMISM ESTHERATH FLOWER! *the curtains open to show a multi colored seedling*


Crowed: *goes 'ohh' and 'ahh'*


Xemans: WTF is that?


Axel: Didn't you hear?It's called Halicu-


Xemans: I heard you imbecil,but what's so rare about THAT?It only looks like they took a bunch of teletubies,squeezed the living color out of them and spreaded it on the plant.


Axel: Calm down superior. We just need to wait for the right moment when our flower comes up.


Council man: This flower was discovered by Benjamin Roosevelt in 1809...


Xemans: This is going to be a long day...




Roxas: *keeps crying*


Sora: Kairi,he won't stop crying! *is wearing a dress*


Kairi: I know..*Is wearing a tux*


Sora: *sniffes the air and covers his nose*UUF!What is that smell?!


Kairi: *sniffes and covers her noise*Ugh,it's so strong.


Sora: And stinky.


Sora and Kairi then turn to Roxas


Sora: *sniffs Roxas and jumps back*AGH,He's the one who stinks!


Kiari: OH!I get it now!Roxas needs a diaper change.


Kairi and Sora: *stare at eachother*


Sora: I'm not gonna do it.


Kairi: Come on Sora,I'm gonna need help with this.


Sora: Ugh...!!!


~Few minutes later~


Sora and Kairi have Roxas laying down on the counter ready to change the diaper.


Kairi: *takes off Roxas's diaper and covers her nose*Sora


Sora: *comes in wearing a toxic waste protection outfit.* I'm ready.

Kairi: Sora. It's just baby doof. Now take this and go get me another diaper *throws the diaper for Sora to catch*


Sora: *misses and the diaper lands on the plastic of the outfit to see.*AHHHH!IT BURNS!THE HORROR!GET IT OFF GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!*runs around in circles*


Kairi: Sora stop playing around!


Roxas: *laughs and takes the baby powder and starts to shake it around. The entire room gets filled with baby powder in the air*


Kairi: *coughs*No baby Roxas!*coughs*


Sora: *still running around*I can't see!


Kairi: Me either!Sora where a-UFF!


Sora: *runs against Kairi and falls on her*


The baby powder clears up.


Kairi: *coughs and looks around*ROXAS IS GONE!


Sora: What?!

Kairi: He used the baby poweder as a distraction!That baby's a frieking genius.


Sora: Well DUH Kairi,of course he's gonna be a genious. After all. He's MY Nobody. *laughs*


Kairi: *smacks Sora*


Sora: OWW!




Xemnas: *asleep*


Axel: *shakes Xemnas* Superior,wake up!There's the flower!


Xemnas: *wakes up*Uh?What?Rachel?


Axel: *points at the flower*They're presenting it along with another flower. Go and get it while the guy's distracted.


Xemnas: *nods and starts to crawls away towards the flower trying not to be noticed*


Council man: And this is the extremely rare,Flowerus Aliatus.


Xemnas: *tries to reach it slowly*


Council man: This is the last one of its kind.


Xemnas: *reaches it and almost gets it*


Council man: After this presentation. Scientist are planning on trying to reproduce it around the world,and maybe. With some studies of its fluids. Hope to find a cure for Cancer.


Xemans: *gets it and raises it up*I'VE GOT IT!VICTORY!*he slips*


Everything starts going in slow motion.


Xemnas: *falls slowly*


Council man: *GAAAASSSSPSSS*


Axel: *stretches arm*NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!


Time goes back to normal.


Xemnas: *falls on the Flowerus Aliatus crushing it and killing it*


Crowed: *GASPS*




Random guy: GET HIM!


Council man: *faints*


Axel: RUN!*runs out*


Xemnas: *follows*


Crowed: *chases them*

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