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Wolf on the Run

KHRecoded something that was said

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okay iwas looking over the video clips for recoded and when i was in one i heard donald say could it be the organization and that kind of confused me cause the organization members had all been defeated at that point in time so i was wonder did donald mean the organization members could exstist in the journly or that they were still around

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I'm thinking he meant the journal.

Maybe he though that since a data Sora could be created, data Organization members could be created?


Though, that wouldn't be possible, since someone would have to create them.


Idk. Maybe he just temporarily forgot that they were all gone?

Wish I could give you a good answer, but I'm just as confused as you. ._.

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That was just a guess Donald made in the game. He had thought that the cloaked figure was an Organization member since he wore a cloak similiar to theirs. But it just turned out to be Data Riku (A.K.A. Jiminy's journal). Plus, the journal that they used to decode the message was the journal from KH1. So of course no Organization members will appear. Jiminy never wrote about them in his journal. So they won't appear in the game.

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That was just a guess Donald made in the game. He had thought that the cloaked figure was an Organization member since he wore a cloak similiar to theirs. But it just turned out to be Data Riku (A.K.A. Jiminy's journal). Plus, the journal that they used to decode the message was the journal from KH1. So of course no Organization members will appear. Jiminy never wrote about them in his journal. So they won't appear in the game.


a but that jourly did hold information about the organization since jiminy was said to of used it again at co

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