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Nah they found out they've been reading the Mayan calender wrong, we have more time then they thought. So Kh 3 is back on! and just because some people think the world might end doesn't mean industries like SE will stom producing their products, cause that would be bad for business if it didn't.

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they also say that there are spaceships coming to earth and each one of them is 124kilometers long O.O!!!!!!!!!!!

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NUH-UH! i waited too damn long for KH3. i WILL see it, so someone quickly give the World a phoenix down cuz i refuse to die until i have played KH3 to my heart's content. xD


and besides... i dont believe that whole Mayan Calender sha-bang anyways :/

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Wow, I can`t belive most of you belive that the world is gonna end in 2012. Thats a huge lie, fisrt off the anti-christ hasn`t come yet, only God knows when jesus is gonna come back. And we haven`t seen anything period of the anti-christ and I could be years before the world ends.

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a ninja shall not serender so easily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If aliens come i will kick the crap out of them or anti-christ i am not going down without a fight chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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How could you not believe 2012 is going to happen? I'm looking at my calendar and I can clearly see that the next year is 2012. Whether or not it ends on December 21st is up for debate as Mars can get really pissed off at Earth one day and decide to slam into us in drunken rage.


Though the Zombie Apocalypse will happen on that day and end the Human race. I am one of the few people that will be allowed to survive. The North America bunker is nice, it has it's own petting zoo and movie theater. But I heard the Australia bunker has it's own theme park!


I'm not really supposed to tell you guys this but these are the bunker locations there's one on every continent.


North America- Under Area 51 in the United States

South America- Under El Chaco in Paraguay

Africa- Under the Great Pyramids in Eygpt

Europe- Under the Colosseum in Rome

Asia- Under the forbidden city in China

Australia-Inside Ayers Rock

Antarctica- You know the place where all the penguins live in the movie happy feet? Yeah it's right under there.

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I just wanna say I love you all and on our last day I'd like to think we'll be together, peace my multi-racial-culture-human brothers, Xenu may have our lives, but he will never take our world!!!


If your a Scientologist your brain might explode so don't read.


Once upon a time there was a galactic overlord named Xenu. He hated the inferior people that existed on earth so he used hydrogen bombs to round them up and then tossed each and everyone of the inferiors into a giant volcano. He lived happily ever after. THE END




end of story


Yes it will look at your computer calendar. 2012 is the next year is not? It seems that everyone else goes from 2011 to 2013.

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