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KH2 I find that veeeery funny

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I find it funny that ven must have trained his whole life learning how to use the keyblade backwards but i find it funny that when sora and riku fight's xemnas sora take's riku's keyblade and does a combo with riku's keyblade backwards and he used it good at that do you think that anyone can use the keyblade backwards just like that or do u think ven's heart being inside of sora has something to do with it.

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It's not hard to swing a weapon backwards. Ventus' entire style relies on it, but even so, it wouldn't be that much more difficult than learning regular swordplay. Sora and Riku never consistently hold their weapons backwards, their grips change depending on most situations, especially Sora.

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Well, the reason why Sora can weild two keyblades mostly thanks to Roxas. Since Roxas gained the ability to dual weild and forged back with Sora. That ability passed onto him. And the reason why Sora can "weild a keyblade backwards" is all thanks to Ventud for the most part since his heart resides within Sora.

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Well, the reason why Sora can weild two keyblades mostly thanks to Roxas. Since Roxas gained the ability to dual weild and forged back with Sora. That ability passed onto him. And the reason why Sora can "weild a keyblade backwards" is all thanks to Ventud for the most part since his heart resides within Sora.


What does Dual Wield have to do with anything?

And you guys don't get it, there's not 'lock' that makes a person only able to wield a weapon a certain way. It's not like Sora's wrists will fall off if he changes styles or anything.

All that happened was Sora adapted his stance to the situation. Ventus didn't manifest his power in the all mighty form of... switching the angle he holds a sword.


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I find it funny that ven must have trained his whole life learning how to use the keyblade backwards

He didn't spend his entire life learning to wield that way. He just does. It's like if he were still left handed like in the concept video. He didn't learn with be left handed; it just comes naturally.



but i find it funny that when sora and riku fight's xemnas sora take's riku's keyblade and does a combo with riku's keyblade backwards and he used it good at that do you think that anyone can use the keyblade backwards just like that or do u think ven's heart being inside of sora has something to do with it.

Doesn't have much to do with anything imo. If you want to think it's because of Ven, go right ahead. It's unimportant enough to never be mentioned, and could theoretically go either way. Still say it just happened in the rush of the battle.



It's because of Ventus , and don't forget that he made the same thing when he turn into Wisdon Form


Sora wields the same way he always does, except the Keyblade is behind him horizontally instead of the usual stance.

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in a couple of drive forms you see sora wielding his keyblades with a reverse grip: king of hearts mentioned wisdom form, and there's final form, where if sora were to be holding his keyblades, they would be in a reverse grip. i don't remember if the same holds true for master form off the top of my head, but i know for sure that final form has what would be a reverse grip. as for the connection to ven, i don't think that just because sora happen to wield a keyblade with a reverse grip automatically makes a reference to ven.

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