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You're supposed to get on your knees and WORSHIP ME.


Welcome to... well, member-hood, i guess? xD Welcome to the posters, o mighty lurker. 8D




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Welcome to the site BewareofTrogdor! ^^ Do you have a prefered nickname?


"mod?er?a?tor??/?m?d??re?t?r/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [mod-uh-rey-ter] Show IPA

Use moderator in a Sentence

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welcome to the site you should have signed up sooner this forums rule and if you be a good as member you get a custom user title might i add its kinda hard to get them but its cool when you do have some cookies

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To answer you're questions because I'm bored:

1.Modswillstalkyouinyoursleep,tieyoutoachair,anddcwillrapeyou. ?





2. A Custom User Title is....those boring words under the username...those most people just have a blank spot there. I'm sure if you appeal to the mods, we'll give ya one. xD



I feel like dancing...


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