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Sora not Roxas

Video Final Mix Best Trailer/english preview

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So I was bored and decided to surf the internet. Yeah..after 3 hours on the computer, I realize "What..the heck..I'm I DOING!!!" So I was about to get off. But all of a sudden I found this just...Whats the word I'm looking for?..Oh yeah, Awesome!! Trailer. Turns out its old, but it has subs and is enjoyable to watch. Especially for those who didn't see it until some time later like me :). And lets face it, this will be the closets we get to Final Mix it seems lol.


I also included an english preview of Final Mix that "xCareyy" had the great pleasure of uploading this year past. It is a Full english version of Final Mix (Well from what he shows in the video), this means forms, talking subtitles, and the menu. He fights Roxas in the video, but sadly loses.

He actually does certain scenes that aren't available in the regular KH2 and translated the subs. Might be interesting to take a look it.





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Firstly the first video is really the only trailer for Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix other then the Commercial.

The second video is fan made. That guy is working on making the iso have English text instead of Japanese for most things in the game.

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Firstly the first video is really the only trailer for Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix other then the Commercial.

The second video is fan made. That guy is working on making the iso have English text instead of Japanese for most things in the game.


Only Trailer huh? That figures, I only seen the commercial. And to tell you the truth, by the time the trailer came out, I wasn't interested in the Kingdom. So that's why I just post it for people like me who didn't see it or wanted to see it with subs, but didn't before.


I know right? For fan made he did one hell of a job...excuse the language of course.

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Firstly the first video is really the only trailer for Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix other then the Commercial.

The second video is fan made. That guy is working on making the iso have English text instead of Japanese for most things in the game.


Only Trailer huh? That figures, I only seen the commercial. And to tell you the truth, by the time the trailer came out, I wasn't interested in the Kingdom. So that's why I just post it for people like me who didn't see it or wanted to see it with subs, but didn't before.


I know right? For fan made he did one hell of a job...excuse the language of course.


He has people help him. Like with translating and stuff.

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the sdecond video is from an emulator

a patched version of a KH@FM iso i have the same one


i have the same to

its a pretty cool one

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Dude, both of those videos are pretty much fan-made ones.


yea, the first one is a joke vid about Re:COM.

the second one is a patched version of KH2FM


Wrong the first one is not a joke video, the user when its on YouTube decided to put on some antations or whatever their called meaning it's not the video as they can be easily turned off.


What makes it fan made is the Japanese and English, lyrics and subtitles.

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Dude, both of those videos are pretty much fan-made ones.


yea, the first one is a joke vid about Re:COM.

the second one is a patched version of KH2FM


Wrong the first one is not a joke video, the user when its on YouTube decided to put on some antations or whatever their called meaning it's not the video as they can be easily turned off.


What makes it fan made is the Japanese and English, lyrics and subtitles.


Yeah, the first one is real. The second is fan made.

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