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Think Pink


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I have been on/off again with this one boy for a while now. Kind of weird at my age, I guess. We'd been friends for as long as I can remember, and in sixth grade he finally asked me out.


Obviously, if that was it, I wouldn't be making a rant thread. We broke up a couple months later, he asked me out again, repeat, llamas. But what really bugs me is his attitude. One day he remembers my birthday and gets me a present, and the next I am promptly dumped via text. I don't really have any idea what's going on in his mind.


Am I okay one day, and wrong the next? He even complained once that I should dye my hair red or blonde, instead of keeping it naturally brunette. Is it hormones or something? He's more polite to the sister he loathed than me sometimes.


What confuses me is that he doesn't always act like that. I mean, he remembered my birthday, all of our monthly anniversaries, got me a Christmas present, took me to the school dance and performed in the play jut because I did.


So what the hell am I doing wrong?

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I really do NOT think it is you. I think it is him.

Maybe you are right; it's hormones.

Or maybe he could just change his mind, feel bad and go to you. Maybe he likes you so much; he doesn't know what to do.

The thing is, maybe. You should confront him; it's obvious he is hurting you. If he wants you too change your hair; why? Does he not like you the way you are?

I know one thing is for sure. This boy is confusing.

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Yeah, it's definitely not you. You seem to be doing everything right and being nice to him, so it's most likely him. As much as I hate to say it, guys are rather unpredictable at times, (I should know, I am one) and are nice one day and cold the next. It might be a little bit of a pain to do, but you should confront him about it, ask him how he feels you and maybe bring up the subject of why he's nice to you, yet he's cold another time.


If you don't chances are this'll be repeating itself for a while and your relationship with him wont get too far past this point. :/

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Somethings you need to understand about guys. (NOT ALL, BUT SOME, SO NO OFFENSE TO ANY GUYS WHO ARENT LIKE THIS):


1) Some guys might like a girl and start dating her, but there friends think he can "do better" and they kinda pressure him to dump the girl. And sometimes he does. Just a bad thing that happens, especially in Middle/High school. I would know this because my friends tell me I can do better than my girlfriend.


2) Some guys think when you have been dating a girl for a while, that they should move there relationship to "the next level". I think you know what that means. I doubt this is it, but you never know.


3) Things change. He might have liked you alot at one point in time, and now, it's different.


Not saying this is it, but, it could be.

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Look, I'm a boy, and I can tell it's not hormones. But you know, boys these days. You're not doing ANYTHING wrong. boys just act like that, to be cool and such. (This might not make you better but...) I think he might be dumping you because he either doesn't love you and is only doing this to be cool, or he is cheating on you. sorry.

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I don't think it's the first option, I mean, he's really sweet most of the time. He sits with me and my friends most of the time, instead of with his own friends.


As for the second one, I guess he could be. :/ I'd really hope not, though. Not really sure when he'd get the chance, though, which is why I'm hoping it isn't that one. He lives so close I can see his house out my window, so I'd notice if she came over, I think. I guess it could be someone in a class I don't have with him. -sigh- I really don't know..

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