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The Yellow Architect

RIPPED all character voice clips from KH:BBS (Aqua, Terra, Ventus, Xehanort, Vanitas, Eraqus, Yensid, Mickey, Terranort, Braig, DiZ)

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Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep has been such an influential game, and it's insane that so few assets are extracted from it. Even before AI, there existed advanced audio software which, when fed a music song, it could remove that specific song from any clip it was input'd, and as a result, remove background music in cutscenes. Yet, no one took that undertaking as it would take a full month juggling the tracks and changing their pitch and timing to match the cutscene's.

Alas, with the AI craze, I found an effective AI tool which did just that - extract vocals from cutscenes. The result? All raw voice clips, as if you extracted them from the source project.

Labelled Voice Clips Per Character
Character Name Total Voice Clips Unfiltered Voice Clips
Aqua 786 35
Terra 612 53
Ventus 726 55
Xehanort 317 81
Eraqus 181 24
Vanitas 109 27
Braig 108 8
Mickey 58 4
Yensid 77 2
DiZ 52 6
Terranort 39 2
MergedVanitas 11 0

Link for all the above characters' voice clips: https://www.mediafire.com/file/bpccu89hx3otwmd/bbs.zip/file

This is essentially gaming history, so I feel the need to share this. If I don't, someone else will spend 2 weeks in the future.

Edited by The Yellow Architect

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Very cool! I like how you named the lesser quality files with the reason it was generated that way. The little comments are cool as well, seems like you have some Aqua favoritism xD Not that I blame you at all.

I'll keep a copy downloaded, thanks for creating and sharing this :)

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On 1/6/2024 at 5:33 AM, NeoLimitForm said:

Very cool! I like how you named the lesser quality files with the reason it was generated that way. The little comments are cool as well, seems like you have some Aqua favoritism xD Not that I blame you at all.

I'll keep a copy downloaded, thanks for creating and sharing this :)

Thank you. I needed Xehanort's voiceclips for a project of my own, and seeing Project Aqua (KH2FM) I went to rip Aqua, then I saw other mods, and realized it can be very useful to many others for mods, or to train an AI model to create custom KH2 cutscenes, so I simply went the extra mile and ripped all main character voice clips.

As for Aqua favoritism, not really, Xehanort is my waifu, always chilling at waterfalls, windy keyblade graveyards and other noisy areas :P
Terra had a horrible voiceactor, Ventus is just childlike (he did a great job for that)
Eraqus, Aqua, Yensid always stayed in-character regardless of the voiceline (even Xehanort has some lines which don't really sound like him) and are pure 10/10 voice-actors
Yes, Yensid surprisingly has good voiceacting, which is wasted on that character (visuals + role in the story)

As for the "unfiltered" voicelines, they basically had some SFX in the background (usually keyblade summon), but I marked them instead of deleting them, because there is software which, if you find the exact SFX, you can extract it from any voiceclip. So theoritically all "BAD quality" voicelines can be salvaged, but idk how to use such software. Only ~15% of voiceclips ended up "BAD quality" so I think it's overkill.

Edited by The Yellow Architect

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Thank you so much for this!! But can u please make a file for each character? Especially for Vanitas. I’ve been trying to download this file but my internet is lagging so it keeps starting from the start every time bc it’s 900+M and it’s too much for my poor network. I’ll appreciate that if u do and if u don’t it’s all okay!

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