Judai 0 Posted January 4, 2011 ( http://www.youtube.com/user/baunlimit3d#p/search/7/thFnJ3iVSH4 ) [align=right]With a blood-filled grail in hand, Chaos, as unholy as ever, Summoned his warriors; Garland, the Emperor, Xande, Zemus,[/align] [align=center]Gilgamesh, Kefka, Genesis, Seifer, Kuja, Seymour, Vayne, Dysley, And Noctis.[/align] After taking a sip of blood from his grail, Chaos raised his hand and shouted; "Victory!" [align=right] His warriors quickly dispersed his realm, Leaving but only dust as a trace, As if they were eager for battle.[/align] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [align=justify]While walking through the empty halls of the Chaos Shrine, Galenth Dysley, as radiant as always, stood right in front of the throne, in a trance-like state, as if his entire consciousness was focused on that of which he had in mind, but, what is inside our sinister fellow that is dragging him into such deep levels of concentration? With how mysterious an individual such as Dysley can be, one can only dream to know what goes on that man's mind. "Every single one of those parasites can only dream of the power I hold." He said, breaking his trance, "And now I'm here, serving as a "radar" of sorts." Dysley turned around, furiously, "I have no time to waste, specially when the likes of her are around, leeching these very realms I deserve." Frustrated, Dysley hovers upwards to the Shrine's roof, only to notice Kefka's pale as a newborn baby's cheeks face. Disgusted, Dysley pushes Kefka out of the way with his scepter. "Out of my way, Jester!"[/align] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TripleNipple 308 Posted January 6, 2011 "Victory!" screamed Kefka. He can feel his makeup still on. He felt bright. He took a sip of blood from his cup. "Victory is sweet!" Kefka randomly started dancing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judai 0 Posted January 7, 2011 ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kE34tfFm6Lg&feature=related ) [justify]Disgusted, Dysley gives his back towards Kefka. "How can you drink a substance like that?" Still disgusted, the man in white garbs insults Kefka. "Such classy garbs being wasted on a court clown such as yourself." Dysley took Kefka's cup of blood and decided to take a sip. "I'll see what's so delicious of tasting something we already have inside of us." Dysley drinks a bit from the cup, instantaneously spitting what he drank. "I'd rather taste the sand in your boots than this, Clown."[/justify] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TripleNipple 308 Posted January 8, 2011 "I can drink blood! I am a man! I am not like you.....People like you disgust me!" screamed Kefka. "And how dare you! How can you not like blood! It is the the running stream of all of us! So, it's as if you do not like your own body!" Kefka sneered at him. He ran, with his random clowny pose. "Get a taste! Get a taste of your blood!" Kefka screamed while he run up to kick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judai 0 Posted January 9, 2011 ( ) [align=justify]Dysley, noticing Kefka's violent reaction, began chanting a spell. "Fira!" His rod began emitting fire from it. Dysley aimed his rod at Kefka. "Have a purpose to drink blood, Jester. I'll boil the blood inside of you, only ashes will run through your vain." Dysley's rod fired the spell from it and hit Kefka, burning his entire face. "You should apply less make-up, if you don't want to be called clown, or in this case, to not burn your entire face." Dysley gave his back to Kefka and started walking away.[/align] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TripleNipple 308 Posted January 9, 2011 Kefka laughed. He laughed and laughed. "You think so huh?"he laughed," Scatter Spray Blizziga!!!" A big chunk of ice flew out of his finger and exploded, making balls of ice spread across the room. "Now...for the final countdown!!!"he yelled."Foresaken!!!!" A field of energy tracked Dysley and dropped a magical orb ontop of him. "You know,"Kefka said,"You should know about imagination...and reality." Kefka then used a staff he got from the corner. He then dragged his face off. It then represented a brand new face. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judai 0 Posted January 9, 2011 [justify]"Hmph, you have defined irritation on to a new level." Dysley began waving his rod around, encircling himself in light. "I've wasted enough time trying to laugh at your jokes, Warp!." Dysley was completely cover in a blinding light, disturbing Kefka's eyesight, opting him to cover them. After opening his eyes, Kefka notices that Dysley isn't around but, a voice begins ringing in his head. "You've proven to be entertaining when fighting, clown. I'll have you in mind whenever I want to spar." As it is, Kefka began thinking that his voice was close, which was. On the fields outside the Shrine of Chaos, Dysley walked and walked, leaving the Shrine behind. He raised his rod and everything flashed, attracting his bird Menerva. "I want you to keep a watch on that Clown." The bird flapped its winds and flew towards the Shrine, leaving behind its Master walking through the seeming-less endless plains.[/justify] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vanitas 127 Posted January 9, 2011 "All of them.... So content with following the will of Chaos. Is this not our lives? Our own story? So why must it follow the will of the gods? All of them, all fools! I should be the one to bring a new age! I WILL be the one to do so. If Cosmos and Chaos are gone, our lives will be ours again! A new age, a new story with me as the Dynast King to guide the people! What a glorious world it would be! ....... But help wouldnt hurt" ( looks at Kefka from the top of the Shrine ) thought Vayne. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rosie 3 Posted January 10, 2011 It only seemed acceptable for Noctis to be the first to leave. Once, he might have thought it rude to be the first to depart from what he begrudgingly accepted as his allies, cohorts, if you will. But that was back when he was concerned about his reputation, always afraid to be percieved in a negative light. Now, he didn't want the others to think well of him, not in the slightest- to be truly accepted, he would have to.sink to their level, and he was determined to keep his sense of self worth, if anything else. And so, he couldn't bear to be around such a group for any longer than he had to. Noctis tried to get away as quickly as he could from that damned place, even though he knew it made no difference. As quietly unwilling as he was, he was stuck with no way back to the life he remembered. And that wasnt going to change, no matter how far he took himself away from Chaos' shrine. Even so, there was no reason for him to stay in that place, either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TripleNipple 308 Posted January 10, 2011 Kefka screamed and ran out. He walked outside the Chaos Grove. Outside was normal earth. As by that, I mean flowers growing, villages fermenting wine, and other. He watched as two little kids were pretending to become warriors. "You want to see warriors?" asked Kefka. "What's it to ya clown?" asked one of the kids. "You...dare!" The kid's stick sword became a sword made of pure gold. The other one had a dagger in his hand. "Lightning!" yelled Kefka. A blast of lighting struck right when the boy said," Lightning!" Two blasts of lighting, one dark, one light, sprayed onto the sky. Kefka then felt an urge. He started thrusting his arm up, even more. The kid copied. Kefka felt a sudden blast of energy. Like a shock wave. It boomed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judai 0 Posted January 10, 2011 ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMcYXISg7Bg&feature=related ) [justify]The man garbed in white, Galenth Dysley, continued to walk straightforwardly, as if he had no destination in mind. He passes village from village, town from town, ignoring them, as if they were just part of a flat scenery painted by the Creator, the same entity he has longed to return with. "Trapped in this theater of a make-believe balance. All a puppet-show directed by Cosmos and Chaos, with us being the dolls." Frustrated, Dysley pauses his walking and looks at the sky, raising his hands up high, as if he wants to touch the clouds. That was when he noticed that, between all the pure white clouds up high, two were dark gray. "Hm?" Curiously, he began to observe the cloud steadily. He noticed how rays of lighting came out furiously from the cloud. "Is this a signal, Creator?" Dysley hurried and followed the direction of the lighting. From the horizon, he could see the lightning striking, as if there was a thunder-rod in front of him. As he kept running and running, he noticed what was really going on; Kefka was busy battling children. Disgusted, Dysley turned his back, but that was when a thought came into mind. "You will pay for damaging my robes, Jester!" Dysley raised his staff and summoned a lightning to struck Kefka, which worked. It left him defense, which made room for the small mage's spell attack and the infant knight's sword slash. "Hmph, feel rejection, Clown."[/justify] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TripleNipple 308 Posted January 11, 2011 The little kid laughed. He slashed his sword to Kefka, which burnt him with pain. "Feel...the blood!" whimpered Kefka."After all, he comes running straight back to me. What do I care?" He started to lay down in the air, as if there was an invisible support. "Havok Wing!" He flipped and stabbed the poor boy who burnt him. Kefka then fell, for he was burnt. He was drooling blood. "I tried...to help..you...I protected you from..." Then Kefka fainted, not finishing his answers. He imagined himself in a dark volt in electricity. He was defeated by boys...How? Kids....and Dysley of course... But...was he weak? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vanitas 127 Posted January 11, 2011 "Its not right for warriors of Chaos to fight each other Dysley" said Vayne walking towards them. "Why don't you waste your strength against Cosmos? It would be better suited there." "It seems Dysley and Kefka are not exactly friendly towards each other" thought Vayne. "Oh well they would still be fun to watch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judai 0 Posted January 11, 2011 [justify]"Hmph." Dysley said, he gave his back to Vayne. "I have no interest participating in this 'conflict', less interest I have in collaborating with you dullards. Just look at how you "warriors" fight; hunting the easy prey."[/justify] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rosie 3 Posted January 12, 2011 "I wouldn't call it easy prey," came a quiet voice from behind them- tinged with a slight, mocking amusement."Generally, in any battle, once you start to get overconfident, you can expect to lose. So nothing should really be easy prey- weak or not, they might still win against you once you start to become arrogant." Flicking dark hair out of his eyes, Noctis strolled a little closer- more curious than anything, even though his expression betrayed more bitterness than he realised. Of course, he should have expected this- to lose his way, but at least this time it was literal. Despite being lost, and irritated at having managed to run into the very kind of people he wished to avoid, he did his best to uphold his dignity- gaze flickering between the three faces with such a look of contempt, it was nearly disgust. "Perhaps," he said, "everyone is just looking for pointless fights in order to avoid the threat from Cosmos." And, even though his eyes remained calm, a little too open, his mouth twisted; a slight smirk fell on his face at the thought of just what he was implying. He couldnt help it. "Just like scared little rats." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vanitas 127 Posted January 12, 2011 "I dont know what i had to do with this "fight" but striking a ally in the back while he was fighting someone else is going after weak prey is it not?" said Vayne. "And Noctis, if you are suggesting we cant handle Cosmos, you are wrong.... well some of us anyways." " Still the point remains that Dysley here is incompent." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judai 0 Posted January 12, 2011 [justify]"Hmph." Dysley approached both Vayne and Noctis. "I am no coward. I..." he gave his back to both individuals and lowered his voice, almost in a melancholic tone. "I have my reasons to not help the factions of justice and discord."[/justify] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rosie 3 Posted January 13, 2011 Training his gaze on Vayne for a long moment, Noctis paused, a brief flicker of concentration passing over his face as he attempted to measure him up- but it didnt last for long, his expression quickly returning to calm, if a slightly pretentious calm. "Believe me. The forces of Cosmos are stronger than you seem to think. I wouldn't count on being able to "handle" them just yet." Glancing back towards Dysley, Noctis' nose crinkled with disgust. An old habit. He had hardly been the type of man to lord over others, not ever, but from his past experience, there was one thing he had expected, at all times. Respect. And, he supposed, it must have just slipped out. Hurling his arm out so fast he could barely track the motion himself, he threw his sword, sending it rocketing through the air, narrowly missing Dysley as it soared over his left shoulder. "Don't turn your back on me," Noctis hissed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vanitas 127 Posted January 13, 2011 "Well.... it doesnt matter wheter you believe i can or cannot handle them Noctis." "Dysley.... looks like a struck a nerve. What purpose are you here for if you are not to fight an unending battle?" Vayne said the last 2 words bitterly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TripleNipple 308 Posted January 15, 2011 Kefka woke up. He was in a dark place. It was all dark purple, maybe dark blue, maybe even black, but color didn't matter...yet. Where was he? Kefka felt his hands. He moved them, as if he was just born. He flipped over, realizing he was in thin air. He grunted," Stupid Dysley...Where am I?" Over the horizon, he saw an island. What was that? Kefka tugged himself to through the air, ignoring his pain on his feet. He flew more, and more. Closer and closer it got, but further and further it got. Kefka grunted even more, until the island disappeared. Another appeared. It was black all over, and seemed to fly to Kefka. Kefka started to fly away, while the island was out of watch. Kefka was alone again. He erected his body up and closed his eyes. He felt a rush of cold water. He was in a black place...again. Chaos was there, shaking his head. "Tsk...tsk...." he whispered. Chaos walked away. Kefka walked more... and he woke up. His head was aching, for his head was on gravel. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judai 0 Posted January 15, 2011 [justify]"My purpose? Hm! I can assure to one thing; it is not to participate in this 'never ending conflict'." Dysley said, with a faint smirk in his face. "I am correct to assume that a solution to this conflict is out there, that is my goal." he gazed his view faraway as he said that. "But, know this... I will find this solution not to end this conflict, but because the solution is what I seek. A complicated thought."[/justify] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rosie 3 Posted January 15, 2011 "Everyone has to participate," Noctis retorted, eyes narrowed in a glare, fixed on Dysley. "Even if the conflict never ends, until a solution is found, it's better not to be the losing end of the fight. Or else, if we choose to shirk away from any kind of battle with Cosmos' side, we'll be getting our asses handed to us for eternity." The word slipped out, the stupid, vulgar word, and inwardly, he chided himself for resorting to language like that. Usually, his vocabulary would stretch so that he could avoid using any language that might be considered inappropriate for his position- but he wasn't in that position any more. Any regality had to be abandoned, even if it hurt his pride- he couldn't help but worry that, were they ever to end to conflict, and he ever be allowed to return home, he might have slipped too far and be unable to re-ajust. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judai 0 Posted January 16, 2011 [align=justify]"It has been already, what? Twelve wars I participated in?" Dysley said, approaching Noctis slowly, but steadily. "With age, you gain wisdom, but from battling? Truths." Dysley raised his right sleeve, revealing a scar about six inches long. "This is no ordinarily scar, Noctis." he garbed his scar away and continued. "I remember it like it was yesterday, well... No one knows if it was the day before this one, time does not goes on its own in this realm." Galenth Dysley, the man garbed in white robes, began reminiscing, into one of his little trance trips. *clang* The sound of metal hitting metal could be heard. *clang* You could also see the sparks released from hitting both solid objects. "Hmph! Our fates are linked by a string called 'battle', wouldn't you say, Lightning?" Dysley said, he pushed her with all his strength. "You took something dear away from me, and from others too!" she said, as she firmly grabbed her weapon. "Ha, ha, ha! Surely, you jest on the thought of hurting me?" Dysley said, relaxing after taking a long breather. "If it takes two lives to save twenty-four of them, I'll do it!" Lightning exclaimed, certain that she would completely her task. With that said, Lightning firmly grabbed her sword, and... *slash* "nnNnnOOoOOaaAaaRRrRRggGggHHhHH!!" "I will never forget the cry that went afterward." Dysley said, just as he gave his back to everyone, but it wasn't to be rude, but rather, he was ashamed to show his face.[/align] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rosie 3 Posted January 19, 2011 Noctis studied him for a moment, gaze tracking over the scar for the brief moment it was revealed. He merely stared blankly after Dysley as the older man turned away, allowing a faint sigh to pass his lips. "We've been here too long," he said, the previous attempt at cold formality completely dropping from his tone. Without the clipped edge, his voice was softer- he sounded younger, which wasn't necessarily a good thing. Then again, he allowed that little act to drop every once in a while, why not now? There was certainly no need to retain his previous formalities here; it wasn't as if he was anything more than an unwilling pawn. He plucked half-heartedly at the cuff of his glove."Maybe we should just hope to vanish permanently. That's got to be better than wasting away here forever." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judai 0 Posted January 22, 2011 [justify]"I have better things to do than wait and die." Dysley, said walking away at a slow pace. "Finding the true solution for this conflict is that better thing I have to do." he said, moving his face sideways, gazing at Noctis. "If you don't have anything better to do, you may join me." Dysley said and walked away.[/justify]"I have better things to do than wait and die." Dysley, said walking away at a slow pace. "Finding the true solution for this conflict is that better thing I have to do." he said, moving his face sideways, gazing at Noctis. "If you don't have anything better Share this post Link to post Share on other sites