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Five words: Look it up on YouTube.


EDIT: Six words: Look at the comment above me.


Three more words: Peace out, yo.


Four more words: I can't stop typing!


One word: HELP! D:


Final seven words: Hey, look at that! A title reference!

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To get the secret movie you first have to defeat Terra. Then after beating him you go back to TWTNW and re-fight Xemnas again. Then that's when the secret movie appears. And you can only fight Terra in critical mode. The portal that leads to him will only apear if you do it in critical mode and when you defeat the absent silhouttes (A.K.A the data versions of Organization XIII).

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Standard! lol You will never unlock it. You have to go to critical or expert and battle Terra, Unlock the key holes for all of the worlds, beat all of the data battles, and beat all of the mushrooms.


To get the secret movie you first have to defeat Terra. Then after beating him you go back to TWTNW and re-fight Xemnas again. Then that's when the secret movie appears. And you can only fight Terra in critical mode. The portal that leads to him will only apear if you do it in critical mode and when you defeat the absent silhouttes (A.K.A the data versions of Organization XIII).


No, i've battled Terra at beginger before, then I moved onto critical, level one. That was tough! lol

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@VenSoraRoxas, you will also need to obtain the Proof of Connection, Proof of Non-Existence, and Proof of Tranquility.


@Kingdomlanelover, really? I thought you only fight him in critical mode only. lol never knew you can fight him in begginer mode.

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birth by sleep is one of the bvery first clips in the game you dont need to do anything to get it


If you look at where this thread is, you'd know that it's the KH2 secret ending, not BBS.


Anywho, what everyone else said. You need to beat Terra and Re-fight Xemnas on Critical.


However, you can battle Terra on any difficulty, I've fought him on beginner, however I have yet to beat him.

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I'm prettysure Terras Lingering Sentiment battle is unlockable on beginner mode, just because the secret ending isn't doesn't mean Terra isn't. But I can't confirm that seeing as how I've never beat it on beginner mode. As for the question, I don't believe it's unlockable in standard mode, sadly because critical mode is now in the game. The requirements are very, very hard.


On critical mode you have to do three things, you have to get a record good enough to please the 13 heartless in the Heartless 13 quest on Final Mix. There's some really good video tutorials for it if you get stuck on youtube. The second thing you have to do is beat Terra, which is no easy task but once you do it you'll feel proud of yourself. And last but not least you have to beat all of the data forms of the organization 13 in Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden. With all those done Sora should now have a golden crown.


After you've done those three tasks (in no particular order, doesn't matter) on critical mode you have to save after doing those, then beat the final boss Xemnas again (which shouldn't be hard after those three) and it should unlock in theater mode. Or if you really don't feel up to that you can just watch it on youtube.


As for standard, well that's even tougher, you have to do the things above and then, finally complete jimminys journal 100%.

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