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One Overall Final Mix

Should there be one overall final Mix?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Should there be one overall final Mix?

    • Create two versions of the same game
    • Create one game with more content

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tutti-frutti. Thinking about it now I think that there should be one overall game for each KH game. Instead of square creating one KH game for Japan, another for the other regions and a final mix for Japan, there should be one overall game for all regions. This way we don't have to buy two copies of the same game with extra content. I wouldn't mind having a game with extra content to keep me busy until another major game comes out. What are your opinions about having one overall final mix? Should square just keep making originals and remakes or just one overall game with a lot of extras?

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I agree with master xemnas,if there was no final mixes there would be less information on the story and if they were to have information in the next game then it would be longer.I have no problem as to what se is doing now for the kh series as long as the still bring in kh to the americas,europe,and other nations.

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The reason they make Final Mixes is because Nomura doesn't instantly know everything he wants to include the first time around and people don't want to wait for him to figure it out.

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tutti-frutti. So long as se doesn't take away from the story in any parituclar way, I would be ok with just having one overall game. SE could spend some extra time just making one original game with the detailed information in one game, as opposed to splitting up into two games. I think its crazy to just release a game when it's done, then just have the idea "lets add this bit of information to the story" just to re-release the same game over simply adding extra content.

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i think it should stay how it is now with a regular game than a final mix for jap the only thing i would change is the fm and remakes come out everywhere

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Well, if there was just one overall game, that would make things somewhat easier. However, Final Mixes are awesome in their own being, the only problem is that it's only in Japan. Perhaps if Nomura released the Final Mix in both Japan AND America, then there'd be a lot less arguing. If this were to happen, though, and people knew of a Final Mix ahead of time, they'd skip the original version and skip straight ahead to the Final Mix, hurting sales of the original. Then, Square Enix might as well just make one version of the game, but that would make less money. Hmm, I guess things are this way for a reason. :)

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tutti-frutti. But then Nomura has been working on FF Versus XIII for at least a couple of years. there are several games out there that are made with just the original game, thorough story, side events, etc. with just the original copy. If Nomura can create great FF games with just the first original game, why not do the same with KH? Other companies create great games with re-releases.

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