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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Discussion

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idk why any of them do
they may be great games, but a pricepoint of $70 feeIs gross

even for overaII I'd be okay with at most $40

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yeah for 6 classics that all got remastered and with brand new remixes

the only thing that i didn't like about it was the font and not having content from the other releases but one of those got remedied

and i think mods have had a lot of the content back

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But, and I'm saying this completely seriously, they aren't just any decades old 2D games, they're some of the most important 2D games

Like if they ported old Dragon Quest games the price I think would be justified

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perhaps! but I'm not gonna justify spending $40 for reaIIy good oId visuaI noveIs

sorry, this is square


that sounds a bit mean sorry LOL

these games are worth pIaying without a doubt
but personaIIy if they're priced too high I'm just gonna be compIeteIy turned off of pIaying them

not heIped by square's weird priorities sometimes with their 2D pixeI game remasters

Iike okay you redrew the sprites! very nice
but nothing you redrew uses the same coIour depth as the originaI so it just ends up Iooking Iike a "THIS IS THE BEST INDIE GAME OF 2015"

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Im.not saying the Pixel remasters are perfect but, for accessible they are, and for the QOL improvements, I think it's a good deal

Plus you can buy them separately at your own leisure

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that is one thing I'II give square a Iotta credit for

they've understood that not everyone has time to grind in oId games

and aIso random encounters can die

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the one game I can toIerate them in is FF10

cuz A) most of them are about picking the right matchups and options

and B)

tidus can just guarentee escape everytime

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I really miss the sphere grid btw

sphere grid and the skill tree in XII were more creative than any other skill tree

Rebirth and XIII have probably so far the worst skill trees

being able to go different paths with the teleport spheres was so firetrucking cool

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