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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Discussion

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So after all of this overall score is 9/10

The main game was still enjoyable and had more fun going through the world but the mini games were just too much, and it ok to have some but HOLY SHIT just way too many, btw i have no problem with gold saucer having the games it had cause its an amusement park.
All that time making these other mini games could have been used for making the world even better.

Battle content for next game needs to not be 10 rounds and not just swapping enemies felt really lazy and there was just too many in the Sim for normals.

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That is a dangerous way of thinking when playing games

Max is a ridiculous man lol like, you can critique and still love the game

That ending was firetrucking ridiculous and I'm sure he knows it

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this won't hurt the firetrucking game if he says that the ending is stupid because most of the game is really good

Rebirth has imo the worst ending out of all modern Final Fantasy titles by far and I would still rate it a 9/10 at least

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he was up will 8:30am EST my time discussing the ending and trying his best to make it feel like its genius, like I understand the ending with how vague they were but my honest take is the whole multiverse thing was just not needed cause now they are gonna do something to bring zack and aerith back. this is why I hate multiverse in stories.

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tbf depending on how long he was up I can see him just talking shit due to him being tired

he also believed that FFXVI's story didn't happen


for the same reason

man I swear firetrucking god if these people are shitting on KH4 I will be so upset

this ending is so much worse than anything KH has ever done

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They piss me off so much lol

And, they literally didn't need to do a multiverse for 7

I swear everyone wants a multiverse for shit and I'm just like NO


Ugh idk man, high-key not looking forward to part 3 lmfao cause what BS are they gonna bring to the table?

Sephiroth becoming good again?

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Sephiroth: "Mind if I join your crew? I've learned my lesson and I'm sorry I literally killed everyone you love, BUT LOOK! THEY'RE BACK! So, we can reconcile and become friends again like old times!"

Cloud and Zack: "D'aw sure buddy, come here you!!!" Hugs it out

I swear it's gonna be like that

Anything can happen in this remake

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