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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Discussion

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The OG ending was fine tho- the games message was through hardship and Strife life finds a way and goes on, so, it ultimately in that sense didn't matter what happened to the heroes neccearily, because 500 years later, the Earth was still there and life continued on

.... was that not poignant enough????

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no =(
I need more


but they won’t even do that much

they won’t induIge I can’t

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kssksk no but really that was the point ssksk like how do you give an ending like that any meaningful follow up?

Like whatever X-2 is one thing, X ends in a way you could conceivably make a sequel out of, but FF7 ends on such a pointed story beat and message like, how do you really?

Well, they found a way I guess but

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I feel like im finding a new hell after every 15 minutes, now the Shinra Manager quest for Battle Square is actually brutally hard, wtf is this, Ive been here for over an hour with no end in sight wtf this sucks

chapter 12

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I remember seeing that part in the game and I was like "

man Sephiroth is just the worst bastard ever in everything

" 😭 and he doesn't even show up sksks


It was cool seeing Cloud talk to Terra tho; 6 and 7 together talking about pain is something I didn't know i needed lol


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||tried to do the final protrorelic mission and Im seriously underleveled at 50 when I should be 65, welp lol guess Ill just grind after the story ends
I was halfway on Bahamut and Titan but then Bahamut used Gigaflare and insta killed us , so close lol|| chapter 13 side stuff

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