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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Discussion

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Going through Chapter 12 story stuff

yay I got Tifa which is what I wanted so Im happy, and the minigame and Loveless play was so much fun and beautiful. Just seeing Jessie, Wedge, and Biggs together broke me


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@Queen of Kingdom Hearts @Snakeskin94 I need one of you to teII me

why tifa feeIs Iike such
a non-existant existence in 7R
why does she never have any expression beyond a miId frown or a sIight smiIe
why is her primary and frankIy onIy notabIe trait that

she cares
barret cares too but at Ieast I can see where that conviction takes him and what parts of him are made apparent because of it

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Well you see DaZ that's a very complicated question that depending on who you ask can elicite a number of passionate responses. And as I've gotten older I've just come to realize that people who've made their mind up about Tifa, positively or negatively, are pretty set in their ideas about her, and talking about it, no matter how civil, ultimately leads to furious disagreements. So while there's a number of attributing factors, and goodness knows fans of Tifa are quick criticize everyone else and never her, I find it would be best instead to merely tell you this

Square knows they don't have to try lmao

Folks will see her as deep and compelling even if she had less to do in these games

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No thats not true she

gets sucked up into a weapon, and almost dies like twice 😌


Don't forget how people in every town comment on how cool she is or someone recognizes her, or the party has to talk about how selfless and awesome she is even tho the game never makes them do that for any other party member.

Just like Makotp Nijima 🙃

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the ONE thing she does is go after corneo AND THAT'S IT
does she even expIore cIoud's Iifestream memories in rebirth??

(answer in spoiIers, thanks for the foreteIIing kye)

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