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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Discussion

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I really, really wanted to like Snow, everyone in the game dogs on him, the fandom dogs on him, but he's just

He's like if Seifer dropped out of Balm Garden to join a Pop Punk band.

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What I didn't like wasn't god as a final boss, but that they presented in the demo as this super cool political drama where "true evil is within all of us" type stuff, but then

ultima's presence made it feel too weird for me


Like it was oh...

it's not a cool political twist, it's just god...


I wanted joe from auto zone, but that's actually Schmoe from Carzone type twist

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Clive is such a Chad he kills all his enemies so the political drama dies with them 😂

Besides GOT had like dragons and magic shit too- sure no gods maybe but

Idk I'm with Kye, I'm fine with it

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Like they could have reached the same emotional impact without firetrucking going into



And look as long as this shit stays in the last chapters like it did in the last 2 games I'm good with it

But geezus, tho I was hyped for some of the stuff, I can't help but empathize with ppl that found overly confusing


u can have cloud being firetrucking traumatized to the point of coping, without alternate timelines, there's actual in universe explanations for it, with sephiroth, jenova etc.


U can have the cool flashing perspective between what

cloud sees and the other parry sees


But I understand why if u add the firetruckign

whispers + timeline + double omnislash with Zack

that all tis feels bloated as firetruck

BUT regardless, when I saw

cloud smile back at aerith, and then you hear the firetrucking eerie rendition of aeriths theme

, it broke me

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