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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Discussion

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esPECIALLY if they're open in any way

thankfuIIy that's something PS5 games don't do for some reason
Iike, 7R has two discs on PS5, but then the same game is one disc on PS5

I forgot the game is smaIIer in size compared to PS4

....on the other hand
it's 81GB compared to 90GB so

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why do I have to instaII 1.5+2.5 onto my system

and why can't companies (square) just store the game's FMVs on the disc

they never compress them in any way

re:com's cutscenes are 720p
and a 5 minute scene from them is stiII 400 MB

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I originally didn't want to play the demo but I really really want to see how responsive the combat is

I can't believe that Yuffie's moveset is part of the same game

Integrade is so much more fun

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Tea I really think when Remake comes out and you finish it, I or someone else is gonna ask "so how did you like it?" And you're gonna go off on almost everything you didn't like, + a tangent about the fandom, only to end with "yeah it was really good; 9/10."

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if they don't kill aerith it will be immediately a 10/10 for me just because of the social media meltdown


if the death metal happy turtle song is in rebirth it's gonna be a 10/10 too

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Ohh yeah I hope that song comes back

Although I expect it will return in Wutai so in part 3

And as much as I don't want Zack sticking around too long, I do hope his theme is still around

And also that song at the end of CC

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the zack thing is gonna be terrifying. for the player and zack himself lmao

the trailer showed that Zack might be aware that he's probably dead and it adds some tension to the story considering that if Aerith wakes up it likely means that she's gonna be dead in the real world

Zack can't get a break even in the afterlife


I refuse to believe that this is an alternate timeline after what Marlene said in the trailer

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