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Image SuperPunk WorkShop 2.0

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Hey guys!

So, now that I've improved, I want to start fresh on a new thread. I will post all my signatures and avatars here. You are free to use them but please credit somewhere and ask first. Thank you!






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I hate this one /shot

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I like this one the most.

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If you can't tell, that Vanitas shooting a blizzaga?


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Hmm. Here goes my critique...


I honestly like your graphics. I can see where you definitely have potential to make some really hardcore graphics if you continue practicing.


As for the practicing, some advice: don't use bevel & emboss. The effect isn't attractive in general, much less on graphics like these. It makes the picture look weird. Try not to use gradients on the letters either. Not attractive /:


Do try to work harder on your blending skills, too. Blending is critical. If you don't blend well, then the entire graphic is ruined. When you blend, don't use the blur or smudge tool; it'll only make it look worse. Instead, use the eraser tool & turn the flow down to around 1% or 2%. Carefully erase around the edges of the cut-out picture to create a sort of clean & wind-blown effect. Try to blend in colors too. The first one is too concentrated in the maroon-ish colour. Try downloading textures, brushes, & pretty font from devianart. They have some pretty damn amazing photoshop tools on there for FREE.


As for the second one, there's too much text. You could either 1) take away most of the text & only leave a little so it won't look so cluttery or 2) make the text smaller. I understand what kind of effect you're trying to add on there.


And for the third one...Meh, I like it. At first sight, I had no clue what it was, though, until I read your explanation on the bottom. The text looks too random, &...boring. So do the colors. Try playing around with contrast, hue/saturation, & the channels tab. There's several ways to make a picture look fantastic by simply changing the colouring.


Aaaand that's about all the critique I can give. I apologize in advance if you feel offended in any way but do keep in mind that critique is the only way of knowing if you're doing something wrong on these. Hope to see more of these 'cause you're pretty good.

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I appreciate the critique Jeny. Honestly, I didn't like the first one because I wanted to use te color blue, but for some reason PhotoShop was being a betch. D8<


The second one, I was trying to copy an effect I saw. I tried to change the black to a very dark blue. I can see what you mean by not using gradients on text.


On the last one, it seemed a bit cluttered so I just stopped right there. Lol. I tried using the gradient too, but I would have had to make a really light blue and I dunno. xD


Thank you and in no way do I feel offended ^~^ Practice makes perfect right?

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I appreciate the critique Jeny. Honestly, I didn't like the first one because I wanted to use te color blue, but for some reason PhotoShop was being a betch. D8<


The second one, I was trying to copy an effect I saw. I tried to change the black to a very dark blue. I can see what you mean by not using gradients on text.


On the last one, it seemed a bit cluttered so I just stopped right there. Lol. I tried using the gradient too, but I would have had to make a really light blue and I dunno. xD


Thank you and in no way do I feel offended ^~^ Practice makes perfect right?


: D This is why I like you.

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will i like the way u did the vanitis one its very chilling and cool ( no pun intened) i like the light blue color affect it lookes very nice and if u where going for ice that was about the right color blue to use


that riku one is very nice to me i wish i could read that little print but the blue in that one was very *blank* yet nice


that first one ehhh would have been better in a yellow or blue and with the heart all shinny like the part on vanities


the newer one is very delightfull and the font fites just right soo does the text the gray and whit lookes very nice the way u used them soo theyd blend togther and not caliad like most


sorry and no affence at all also pleas over look the spelling

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I really like the focus of the two eye colors in this recent one <3 A little less in the background would've looked a bit cleaner, and the eyes image a bit bigger. That's all I really have to say. C:

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I absolutely love the first three, they turned out really nice.

And I also really like the second to last one, usually so many things going on in a graphic wouldn't work but you pulled it off really good.

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