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KHBbS Finally

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Well guys, I finally got my Aqua to lvl 99 at long last. I gotta say, it took me a long time to get her to that lvl though, took me 4 months to get to that lvl. To tell you guys the truth I've never been to lvl 99 before, this is my first time reaching for that lvl. So this is how it feels to reach the maximum lvl of a KH game, heh, now it know how you guys feel when you get to a maximum lvl. It feels like I've done a thousand push-ups xD. Now I have to get my Ventus to lvl 99 now (who is currently lvl 80) and I am done. Then, I will do the command board for both Aqua and Ven to get them new commands, and then I will be all set for whoever wants to challenge me in a match in Mirage Arena.


By the way, what lvl are your Terra, Aqua, and Ven? And what lvl are you trying to get them up to?

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Terra, Aqua, and Ven:99

If you use exp walker, and ability that when you are about to die double your exp it is so much less work. Just leave tape on the anolog stick after taking a beating from the unversed for some amount of days and bam, you are at level 99. It is especially efficient during school.

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my ven is lv. 99 theres a way to do this faster first take off all the yellow abilities like treasure magnet and take off hp boost then make sure you have exp. chance on. drop your hp till it starts beeping. equip megaflare on each slot then go to the spot in radiant garden were you fought the trinity armor. dont get to close and just use megaflare back and forth. . this will level you up quick. dont pick up any hp prizes this is how i leveled up ven

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Wouldn't 1000 push ups make you feel really really tired? Just kidding I know what you meant.


Well, I kinda know that feeling, I did it in Kingdom Hearts 2, and it was a very long and grueling task in the way that I did it.


But good luck with the rest of Ventus' leveling.

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Finally got to lvl 99 huh? Well good for you bro! Now if for some reason you want to play the game again whether with one or all three, you got to start over at lvl 1 with three characters, that you for some reason can't switch too during your play with one. Isn't that exciting! Thats Square-Enix little way of saying, you have just been kicked in the nuts!...I'm sorry for the rant, I don't like Birth by sleep anymore.


Every one is below 70, but higher than 50. And even that is to much time so I most likely won't get to level 99, because I won't be playing that game again.

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Really? I thought everyone would have got to lvl 99 on KH2 (unless you don't have it).

I have about 5 lvl 99 KH2 files ^^;

BBS would be really boring at lvl 99. You wouldn't even bother visiting any worlds. You'd just kill anything and everything in one shot.

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Really? I thought everyone would have got to lvl 99 on KH2 (unless you don't have it).

I have about 5 lvl 99 KH2 files ^^;

BBS would be really boring at lvl 99. You wouldn't even bother visiting any worlds. You'd just kill anything and everything in one shot.


That would be pretty fun xD

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