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Dissidia vigintisix Final Fantasy 026 [SIGN-UPS]

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The rules in this game will be the same as the ones offered in the Roleplaying rules and guidelines. - READ BEFORE POSTING. thread.[/align]


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Okay, this is pretty simple;

The forces of good and evil are at it again;



Choose your side;


Cosmos or Chaos,

Harmony or Dischord,

Good or Evil.


After choosing your side,

choose your character;



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If you want to claim a character, follow this form;





Also, you can only play as one character!


This is my form:


Username: Judai

Character: Dysley

Roleplay will commence on Sunday, January 2, 2011.

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Hey do you think we can have one warrior of chaos and cosmos? Cause cosmos id practically dead....I'm the only active person. If not should I just run into a warrior of chaos? Sorry for all the questions...And there are other people in the world right? not just the teams of chaos and cosmos?

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You don't have to take on more than one Chaos Warrior if you want. If you want, you could change Warriors. The world in this game is much, much bigger. There are villages, towns, cities and kingdoms, meaning that there are people whom you can interact with, but affect very little the game's plot. You can even start pairings or relationships with Cosmos or Chaos Warriors, or even the villagers.

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okay thank you very much! thats really awesome. ;) oh and I mean rp as 1 warrior of each team (eg. Squall, Seymour) and it's okay if the answer is no, it's not a big deal.

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