Rabie 1 Posted December 26, 2010 OK I'm devoting this thread to ventus, vanitus, sora, Kairi, namine, Roxas, Xion, ... huff... huff..., Xehanort, Terra, Terrhanort (Xehanort controlling Terra's body), Aqua, Eraques, Ansem the wise, ... huff... huff..., Ansem the seeker of darkness, Xemnas, Riku, Repliku, and every single member of the Organization. Pretty much, this is me spilling it all out, just to make sure It's right. Strong spoilers from pretty much evry game released so far, so I'd suggest playing all games before reading the rest of this post. PLEASE READ: I DO NOT CLAIM TO HAVE FULL KNOWLEDGE OF ALL SUBJECTS RELATED TO IN THIS POST I NAMED IT CORRECTLY, I NEED TO CLEAR THINGS UP FOR MYSELF AND EVERY ONE ELSE, AND OMG I'M GOING TO DESTROY MY STUPID U KEY IN A RAGING INFERNO. 1. True beginnings... The story starts with Xehanort... So, Xehanort was born and raised on Destiny Islands. He became curious, and decided to explore for other worlds. During his search for a greater world, he came across The Land of Departure, where he trained to wield the keyblade under instruction of Master Yen Sid. There, he becomes a Keyblade master. (OMG why is keyblade a misspell that's disrespect) 2. Rebellion... Xehanort loses interest in the loyal ways of light taught by the Master, and searches to cure the light-dark equilibrium. He begins going against his teachings, letting himself become closer and closer to the darkness. Xehanort learned many things during his curious spell, including Kingdom Hearts being truly 2 different dimensions, the one of worlds, and of men. He also becomes aware of the different types of keyblades. The Keyblades of light (Kingdom Key, Oathkeeper, Lionheart) The Keyblades of darkness. (Kingdom Key D, Oblivion, and Soul Eater) The Keyblade of Hearts, forged by the fusion of 7 pure hearts. This key had the ability to open a person's heart, releasing all inside. And The x-blade, a special keyblade forged when a pure heart and a completely dark heart fight. His old trainee friend Eraques takes it upon himself to begin training two new keyblade wielders Terra and Aqua, to become keyblade masters. Eraques's ways were very strict to the Light, and Xehanort thought he was ignorant of the True perfect world residing in a twilight of equilibrium. Xehanort yearned to seek the equilibrium, and devoted his studies to the affect of darkness on a pure heart. Xehanort found Ventus. 3. Ventus... Xehanort knew his body was unable to support his studies forever, and seeked a new 'vessel' to use as he continued his studies. Originally, when he discovered Ventus, a normal being with an exceptionally strong light and will, he thought of this as his opportunity. However, his studies on Ventus fell short of the mark for his 'Vessel' During an experiment on Ventus, using Neoshadows he summoned, Ventus's heart gave in slightly to darkness, at that specific moment, Neoshadows. (the chronological first appearance of heartless) To save Ventus, Xehanort saw an opportunity. He tore the darkness out of Ventus, but it seemed too late. He managed to extract the dark, incomplete heart which had formed (Vanitas), but didn't think he'd saved Ventus in time. As a form of Respect, he left to store Ventus's remnants on Destiny Islands, the most peaceful World he knew of. Just as he was about to leave, Ventus summoned his keyblade, and used it to forge a light portal (or something... dunno wtf he did, but it wuz cool) Xehanort saw this as a sign of not only his return, but his rise to becoming a truly pure heart. Xehanort then took him to Eraques, knowing that Eraques would be able to train him and keep his purity. Next time Ventus came to, he had forgotten all about hisself except for what was currently happening. Xehanort then took to training Vanitas to make him as dark as possible. 4. Mark of Mastery... Eraques then trained Terra, Aqua and Ventus to be keyblade wielders. Vanitas became stronger and stronger, knowing his only reason of existance was to forge the x-blade with Ventus. Later on, Eraques tells Xehanort that his pupils Terra and Aqua are prepared for the mark of mastery exam. Xehanort takes this opportunity to see the potential of the new master's to be. During the exam, Xehanort releases some darkness on the light orbs, to mix things up a bit, see their reaction to darkness. Also during the exam, Terra loses control of his darkness for a moment, and releases a burst of dark power, before realizing his mistake, and attempting to cover it. Eraques sees this as a flaw in his purity, and for 'Moral' and 'fatherly' reasons (yes, I absolutely hate Eraques), only gives Aqua the mark of mastery. Xehanort on the other hand... found his 'vessel'. Oh, and Ventus helped a little. After a talk with Xehanort, Terra leaves the land of departure in search of a way to control his darkness. Ventus meets Vanitas who tells him lies and hate comments about Terra, to incite Ventus to search for Terra, and feed his anger. Aqua however, learns more about being a keyblade master. Her duties to protect the Land of Departure by sealing it's keyhole to hide it. Her duties to protect the light no matter what the cost. She then leaves to persue Terra and Ventus. 5. The original trinity... The three then travel the worlds, Terra to seek a cure to his darkness, and find Xehanort. Ventus to find Terra and seal the deal with Vanitas. Aqua to bring them both back. Terra releases Aurora's pure heart in the enchanted dominion, under control of Maleficent. Terra meets mickey shortly. Terra speaks with Xehanort. Ventus battles Vanitas shortly. Aqua finds and protects Kairi at Radiant Garden, then overhears her grandma telling her the story about the keyblade war and the reconstruction. Terra fights and defeats Braig in false knowledge of Xehanort's capture. The three meet back up at Radiant Garden, where Ventus gives the other two life passes to disney town. Pete is mean at Disney town. Hades attempts to unlock Terra's power of darkness... and fails Zack and Phil get a crush on Aqua Ventus learns amazing powers Everyone loves Stitch. Extra movement abilities are learned in neverland as usual... Aqua asks Yen Sid big questions. At some point during BBS, all three of the characters appear in Destiny Islands. While Terra is there, he passes Riku they ability to wield the keyblade. He sees himself in Riku. Ventus is only there to get antagonized by Vanitas. Aqua notices how Riku is very similar to Terra, and Sora's face is a spitting image of Ventus. Eraques attempts to destroy Ventus in fear of the x-blade, or something, I don't quite remember. Terra interrupts, and kills Eraques with darkness, after that, he feels bad for Xehanort controlling his anger. 6. The Great Battles... They all meet again at the Crossroads of the keyblade graveyard, a world which is the result of the keyblade war. A mini battle cutscene rages, all to familiar to those who saw the birth by sleep secret ending trailer from KH2: FM+ Terra fights Vanitas+Xehanort simultaniously Aqua fights Braig while protecting Ventus. Vanitas flees from the Terra battle, and suprises Aqua. Vanitas fights Ventus, and Xehanort fights Terra in first form. Vanitas exposes his identity as a sora look alike with black hair, he then forces himself into Ventus's heart, where they battle. Simultaniously, Xehanort releases his heart and injects it in Terra's body, 'Vessel' Obtained. Terra's soul and mind reincarnate his armor and he battles Terrhanort. Xehanort's plans go bad when he is defeated by Terra's lingering Sentiment, and Vanitas is defeated, throwing Ventus into a deep slumber to repair his fractured heart. Meanwhile, Vanitas took control of Ventus's body, and fights aqua with the x-blade. After the battle, Aqua calls on the power of friendship, and empowers her keyblade, then striking the x-blade with enough force to crack the x-blade, and rupture Vanitas's controll over Ventus's body. Vanitas is then nothing but a spirit which dwells the area as a secret boss with ungodly strength and defense. 7. The Final Chapter... A shokwave spreads across the graveyard, sending Mickey, Aqua, and Ventus sprawling into the lanes between. Aqua saves Ventus from flying away. Mickey find's them both wandering the lanes in-between. Terrhanort reappears at Radiant Garden, his memory wiped, and Terra's uncontrollable hatrid for Xehanort causes a split within the being, rendering him not only twice as powerful as both combined, but their darkness controlling more than an equilibrium would like to hold. Mickey takes Aqua and Ventus to Yen Sid. Yen Sid tell Aqua to find a safe place for Ventus, and tells her what has become of Terra. She follows Ventus's light to the remains of the Land of Departure She remembers Eraques telling her to ensure the safety of The land of Departure if anything were to happen to him or it. She locks... the keyhole (plz help, i don't know if it is Ventus's heart, or the LOD's heart) Ventus remains asleep in the Chamber of Awakening. Aqua leaves to find Terra, and arrives at Radiant Garden She attempts to overcome Xehanort's hold over Terra's body, and in a last desperate effort, Xehanort sends the body to the realm of darkness. Aqua follows, and sends them out with her keyblade and armor, leaving her alone in the Realm. 8. Ten years... Later in Radiant Garden, the Studies begin. Ansem the wise and his apprentices find Terrhanort, Aqua's armor, and her keyblade lying in the center court of the square. Ansem takes Terrhanort up as an apprentice. Aqua's armor and keyblade are stored somewhere i don't know. Terrhanort, memoryless, awakens and begins studying under Ansem the wise. Braig is also an apprentice, and tries to see if Terrhanort remembers him. Ansem the wise experiments on the heart, attempting to find where darkness and light are born. He records his findings in Reports. He discovers the horrifying truth about darkness. He stops his experiments. However, his apprentices continue them, on civilians, creating Emblem Heartless. Terrhanort continues Ansem the wise's reports under his newly adopted name Ansem. They then release their hearts, and they become heartless and nobodies. Upon becoming a Nobody, Terrhanort obtains many of his lost memories. Ansem the wise then follows them into the dark realm, hoping to eliminate them, and correct his mistakes. The new 'Ansem' and his followers form the organization as nobodies. Ansem's heartless grows powerful in the realm, and he begins to collect the seven hearts of pure light to reopen kingdom hearts and obtain all power. He notices Xehanort is an antigram of No Heart, and Another with an X, and encorperates this into the organization. He also remembers the dark cloak he wore in between worlds to protect himself for the forces, and darkness, and makes this the staple uniform of the organization. and I got bored, so you guys are gonna have to wait till I have time again. please no more flame comments like what i want to reply with: (*) smart ass comment: [*] truth: {*} 'I don't wanna read this, it's too long' (why'd you bother to reply then?) [that's a big waste of time too] {didn't say you had to read it did I?} 'Your wrong' (help me fix it) [where and how] {don't just sit there and laugh at my knowledge, become a better person} 'did you really bother taking the time to write this essay' (did you really bother taking the time to write this comment) [Right back at ya b***h] {yes, deal with it} PLEASE QUOTE MY ERROR IF YOU WAN'T ME TO FIX IT!!!!!11 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zeno247naruto12 5 Posted December 26, 2010 to long to read Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rabie 1 Posted December 26, 2010 Yeah, it's going to cover every game released, and present the "secret knowledge" to common people Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zexion123 2 Posted December 26, 2010 Pretty accurate except that according to Yen Sid (if you talk to him in Terra's story after he visits him in BBS) he, Eraqus and Xehanort walked the road to being a keyblade masters together which means that Yen Sid was their "classmate" not teacher. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 5,571 Posted December 26, 2010 I didn't even feel like reading the first sentence. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chaser01 0 Posted December 26, 2010 Also, it wasn't Ven who created the neoshadows, Master Xehanort summoned them to attack him Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MasterXemnas 2,285 Posted December 26, 2010 fool. Almost everything you say has a little bit of wrong in it. You get the just of it, but not the actual picture. I would clarify, but there is too much. I would stop right there so you don't confuse anyone anymore. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Soul Eater Evans 4,045 Posted December 26, 2010 This is cool.Also,in the section where you saw keyblades of darkness,you said "deatheater".Its actually SoulEater iirc Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lu Xun 2,069 Posted December 26, 2010 Lol, the death eaters aren Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J. Severe 1,137 Posted December 26, 2010 Whoa... that's a lot... you should put this into a book, man. Lol, the death eaters aren Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Princess Kairi 9494 0 Posted December 26, 2010 it is pretty good, you just need to correct some things Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rabie 1 Posted December 31, 2010 OMYGOD I GET IT I DIDN'T MEAN TO WRITE DEATHEATER, SHUT UP ALREADY GODDAMNIT... alright, naow that that's out of my system... thanks for pointing out the Yen Sid part to me, throwing that in the edit later. fool. Almost everything you say has a little bit of wrong in it. You get the just of it, but not the actual picture. I would clarify, but there is too much. I would stop right there so you don't confuse anyone anymore. Master Xemnas, you lost all respect from me, if you are going to point out that I'm all wrong and stuff, show me, don't just say your wrong... for instance, give me a few examples. to whoever said this, I forgot, and the thread review is too long, I didn't mean to say Ven summoned the neoshadows... I don't even know how you thought i said that, I'll try to make it even clearer in the edit, I know Xehanort summoned them. And lastly, thank you princesskairi, if it weren't for you, I'd cut myslf at night. JK, be back with an edit in a day or so. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MasterXemnas 2,285 Posted December 31, 2010 fool. @ Rabie- I wasn't trying to be mean or anything. It was meant to be constructive criticism. Trying to help you out and leading you to find your own mistakes. I don't give examples. No point anyway. I said almost everything. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rabie 1 Posted December 31, 2010 fool. @ Rabie- I wasn't trying to be mean or anything. It was meant to be constructive criticism. Trying to help you out and leading you to find your own mistakes. I don't give examples. No point anyway. I said almost everything. okay read the first post and if you don't like it..... LEAVE FOOL! then, never come back... have a nice day! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reversal 53 Posted January 1, 2011 1. True beginnings... The story starts with Xehanort... So' date=' Xehanort was born and raised on Destiny Islands. He became curious, and decided to explore for other worlds. During his search for a greater world, he came across The Land of Departure, where he trained to wield the keyblade under instruction of Master Yen Sid. There, he becomes a Keyblade master. (OMG why is keyblade a misspell that's disrespect)[/quote'] Correct, up to the point where you said he "decided to explore other worlds." He had no means of doing so. We're under the assumption that his Master eventually made his way to Destiny Islands and performed the Rite with Xehanort, which would pave the way to his awakening his Keyblade and making his way to the Land of Departure. It's more likely that he and Yen Sid are fellow apprentices training under the same Master. They're both equally as old. D: 2. Rebellion...Xehanort loses interest in the loyal ways of light taught by the Master, and searches to cure the light-dark equilibrium. He begins going against his teachings, letting himself become closer and closer to the darkness. Xehanort learned many things during his curious spell, including Kingdom Hearts being truly 2 different dimensions, the one of worlds, and of men. He also becomes aware of the different types of keyblades. The Keyblades of light (Kingdom Key, Oathkeeper, Lionheart) The Keyblades of darkness. (Kingdom Key D, Oblivion, and Soul Eater) The Keyblade of Hearts, forged by the fusion of 7 pure hearts. This key had the ability to open a person's heart, releasing all inside. And The x-blade, a special keyblade forged when a pure heart and a completely dark heart fight. His old trainee friend Eraques takes it upon himself to begin training two new keyblade wielders Terra and Aqua, to become keyblade masters. Eraques's ways were very strict to the Light, and Xehanort thought he was ignorant of the True perfect world residing in a twilight of equilibrium. Xehanort yearned to seek the equilibrium, and devoted his studies to the affect of darkness on a pure heart. Xehanort found Ventus. But, this is nothing more than what anyone would know by reading the Xehanort Reports o.o 3. Ventus...Xehanort knew his body was unable to support his studies forever, and seeked a new 'vessel' to use as he continued his studies. Originally, when he discovered Ventus, a normal being with an exceptionally strong light and will, he thought of this as his opportunity. He didn't want Ven for his light. He just saw that Ven had a strong heart and great untapped potential. However, his studies on Ventus fell short of the mark for his 'Vessel'During an experiment on Ventus, using Neoshadows he summoned, Ventus's heart gave in slightly to darkness, at that specific moment, Neoshadows. (the chronological first appearance of heartless) No... Ven's heart didn't give in. He was too gentle and refused to use the darkness inside him to defend himself against the onslaught of the Neoshadows, who proceeded to overwhelm him. As in kick the crap out of him. To save Ventus, Xehanort saw an opportunity.He tore the darkness out of Ventus, but it seemed too late. He managed to extract the dark, incomplete heart which had formed (Vanitas), but didn't think he'd saved Ventus in time. As a form of Respect, he left to store Ventus's remnants on Destiny Islands, the most peaceful World he knew of. Just as he was about to leave, Ventus summoned his keyblade, and used it to forge a light portal (or something... dunno wtf he did, but it wuz cool) Have... have you been listening to Xehanort's BS? That's not true. He didn't want to save Ven; he just decided to get as much as he could out of him. Since Ven failed as the vessel, Xehanort used him for the X-blade plan instead. It's not so much respect, but as an act of humanity. After all, Ven's like, 12 at that time. Anyone would do at least that much for a child. He didn't store Ven's remnants on DI; he left him there so he would be able to die in peace. Xehanort saw this as a sign of not only his return, but his rise to becoming a truly pure heart.Xehanort then took him to Eraques, knowing that Eraques would be able to train him and keep his purity. Next time Ventus came to, he had forgotten all about hisself except for what was currently happening. Xehanort then took to training Vanitas to make him as dark as possible. Not like Vanitas actually needed help. And Ven couldn't be corrupted anyways. Staying with Eraqus with strengthen his light, but at this point, only Vanitas would be able to corrupt him. 4. Mark of Mastery...Eraques then trained Terra, Aqua and Ventus to be keyblade wielders. Vanitas became stronger and stronger, knowing his only reason of existance was to forge the x-blade with Ventus. Later on, Eraques tells Xehanort that his pupils Terra and Aqua are prepared for the mark of mastery exam. Xehanort takes this opportunity to see the potential of the new master's to be. Eh... not really. Xehanort didn't give a damn about Aqua. He just came to prevent Terra from becoming a Master, strengthen the darkness within him, and plant a bunch of misleading trust in Terra. His reason for attending the exam was entirely for Terra, and Ven. During the exam, Xehanort releases some darkness on the light orbs, to mix things up a bit, see their reaction to darkness.Also during the exam, Terra loses control of his darkness for a moment, and releases a burst of dark power, before realizing his mistake, and attempting to cover it. Eraques sees this as a flaw in his purity, and for 'Moral' and 'fatherly' reasons (yes, I absolutely hate Eraques), only gives Aqua the mark of mastery. There's of course much more to it than that. Once you think about it, Eraqus' reasons for denying Terra the Master status wasn't entirely unjustified, at least on his terms. Xehanort on the other hand... found his 'vessel'.Oh, and Ventus helped a little. After a talk with Xehanort, Terra leaves the land of departure in search of a way to control his darkness. Ventus meets Vanitas who tells him lies and hate comments about Terra, to incite Ventus to search for Terra, and feed his anger. He found his vessel the day he brought Ven to LoD, about 4 years before the exam took place. "Oh, and Ventus helped a little"? >.> Terra actually leaves to find Master Xehanort, solve the mystery of the Unversed, and protect the light. Fighting the darkness was just a little personal side quest. Aqua however, learns more about being a keyblade master.Her duties to protect the Land of Departure by sealing it's keyhole to hide it. Her duties to protect the light no matter what the cost. She then leaves to persue Terra and Ventus. That second duty is a given for Eraqus' students. Terra has the same one. Aqua's duty to spy on Terra and bring back Ven was her being a teacher's pet and letting the title go to her head. 5. The original trinity... The three then travel the worlds, Terra to seek a cure to his darkness, and find Xehanort. Ventus to find Terra and seal the deal with Vanitas. Aqua to bring them both back. See above for Terra. Ven didn't have a deal with Vanitas. As for Aqua, see above. Terra releases Aurora's pure heart in the enchanted dominion, under control of Maleficent. It wasn't Terra who did that. Terra meets mickey shortly. If you can call him seeing Mickey for a few seconds a "meeting." Terra speaks with Xehanort.Ventus battles Vanitas shortly. Aqua finds and protects Kairi at Radiant Garden, then overhears her grandma telling her the story about the keyblade war and the reconstruction. Terra fights and defeats Braig in false knowledge of Xehanort's capture. The three meet back up at Radiant Garden, where Ventus gives the other two life passes to disney town. Pete is mean at Disney town. Hades attempts to unlock Terra's power of darkness... and fails Zack and Phil get a crush on Aqua Ventus learns amazing powers Everyone loves Stitch. Extra movement abilities are learned in neverland as usual... Aqua asks Yen Sid big questions. At some point during BBS, all three of the characters appear in Destiny Islands. Ventus is only there to get antagonized by Vanitas. Aqua notices how Riku is very similar to Terra, and Sora's face is a spitting image of Ventus. They all meet again at the Crossroads of the keyblade graveyard, a world which is the result of the keyblade war. A mini battle cutscene rages, all to familiar to those who saw the birth by sleep secret ending trailer from KH2: FM+ Terra fights Vanitas+Xehanort simultaniously Aqua fights Braig while protecting Ventus. Vanitas flees from the Terra battle, and suprises Aqua. Vanitas fights Ventus, and Xehanort fights Terra in first form. Vanitas exposes his identity as a sora look alike with black hair, he then forces himself into Ventus's heart, where they battle. Simultaniously, Xehanort releases his heart and injects it in Terra's body, 'Vessel' Obtained. Meanwhile, Vanitas took control of Ventus's body, and fights aqua with the x-blade. Terra's soul and mind reincarnate his armor and he battles Terrhanort. Xehanort's plans go bad when he is defeated by Terra's lingering Sentiment, and Vanitas is defeated, throwing Ventus into a deep slumber to repair his fractured heart. A shokwave spreads across the graveyard, sending Mickey, Aqua, and Ventus sprawling into the lanes between. Aqua saves Ventus from flying away. Mickey find's them both wandering the lanes in-between. Mickey takes Aqua and Ventus to Yen Sid. She follows Ventus's light to the remains of the Land of Departure She remembers Eraques telling her to ensure the safety of The land of Departure if anything were to happen to him or it. Ventus remains asleep in the Chamber of Awakening. Aqua leaves to find Terra, and arrives at Radiant Garden Ansem the wise and his apprentices find Terrhanort, Aqua's armor, and her keyblade lying in the center court of the square. Ansem takes Terrhanort up as an apprentice. Aqua's armor and keyblade are stored somewhere i don't know. Terrhanort, memoryless, awakens and begins studying under Ansem the wise. Braig is also an apprentice, and tries to see if Terrhanort remembers him. Later in Radiant Garden, the Studies begin. He records his findings in Reports. He discovers the horrifying truth about darkness. He stops his experiments. However, his apprentices continue them, on civilians, creating Emblem Heartless. Terrhanort continues Ansem the wise's reports under his newly adopted name Ansem. The new 'Ansem' and his followers form the organization as nobodies. Ansem's heartless grows powerful in the realm, and he begins to collect the seven hearts of pure light to reopen kingdom hearts and obtain all power. All very obvious to anyone who bothered to remotely pay attention in the games. Thanks, but it was hardly necessary. We're not babies You don't have to hold our hands. While Terra is there, he passes Riku they ability to wield the keyblade. He sees himself in Riku. Yes, if you mean that in a metaphorical way. Eraques attempts to destroy Ventus in fear of the x-blade, or something, I don't quite remember. Right. X-blade = weapon of mass destruction. He couldn't let that be created, and was willing to destroy Ven for it. Terra interrupts, and kills Eraques with darkness, after that, he feels bad for Xehanort controlling his anger Terra may have weakened him in battle, but it was obviously Xehanort who "killed" Eraqus, even though he isn't dead. And it wasn't just the anger; it was for foolishly believing Xehanort's lies and dancing around like his puppet. 6. The Great Battles...After the battle, Aqua calls on the power of friendship, and empowers her keyblade, then striking the x-blade with enough force to crack the x-blade, and rupture Vanitas's controll over Ventus's body. Vanitas is then nothing but a spirit which dwells the area as a secret boss with ungodly strength and defense. Giving Aqua too much credit there. Ven's inner battle with Vanitas was taking place simultaneously with Aqua's outer one. And, considering VS' canonic value was never established, I'd take him with a grain of salt. Terrhanort reappears at Radiant Garden, his memory wiped, and Terra's uncontrollable hatrid for Xehanort causes a split within the being, rendering him not only twice as powerful as both combined, but their darkness controlling more than an equilibrium would like to hold. Memory wipe didn't take place until after the battle with Aqua. He asked "Who am I?" because at that point, neither Terra nor Xehanort had dominance, and Terranort was essentially a blank slate. Once Aqua showed up, Xehanort took the opportunity and took over. Yen Sid tell Aqua to find a safe place for Ventus, and tells her what has become of Terra. He says that he can't find Terra. That's not exactly "what has become of him." She locks... the keyhole (plz help, i don't know if it is Ventus's heart, or the LOD's heart) Obviously LoD's. She attempts to overcome Xehanort's hold over Terra's body, and in a last desperate effort, Xehanort sends the body to the realm of darkness.Aqua follows, and sends them out with her keyblade and armor, leaving her alone in the Realm. Xehanort's last ditch effort was stabbing himself to rid himself of Terra. Memory loss and falling into the Realm of Darkness wasn't on his list of things to do. 8. Ten years... Not even. Shortly after BBS - 1 year after BBS. Ansem the wise experiments on the heart, attempting to find where darkness and light are born. Just the darkness of the heart really. They then release their hearts, and they become heartless and nobodies. They willingly gave up their hearts, not release. Upon becoming a Nobody, Terrhanort obtains many of his lost memories. He regained these memories in the heart experiments Ansem the Wise performed on him, not as a result of losing his heart. Ansem the wise then follows them into the dark realm, hoping to eliminate them, and correct his mistakes. Well, his apprentices banished him, and then he spent all his time plotting his revenge. He notices Xehanort is an antigram of No Heart, and Another with an X, and encorperates this into the organization.The X in the Organization names is because of the X-blade, not because of Xehanort's name.He also remembers the dark cloak he wore in between worlds to protect himself for the forces, and darkness, and makes this the staple uniform of the organization. Sure. PLEASE QUOTE MY ERROR IF YOU WAN'T ME TO FIX IT!!!!!11 Well, I tried. Dunno if I actually caught all of the mistakes. There was a lot of text D: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites