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the first time you played

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You could say I played KH by accident. It was in 5th grade at the time during spring cause I remember it being hot, my cousin from florida came to visit and he had KH1. I just turned 18, so I was like 9 at the time turning 10 in the same year.

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I got it in 2002 for Christmas. I remember seeing an old commercial that had Sora running through Disney Castle, and then upset when I couldn't go there. I remember I couldn't even beat Ansem at first, I had to use a level 100 cheat just to beat him xD. I was 14 at the time.

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I rented Kingdom Hearts 1 just to play it real quick. I thought it was going to be the stupidest thing ever. Disney with Final Fantasy? I didn't even like Final Fantasy at the time. Little did I know, Kingdom Hearts would change my life...

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I was seven when i played the first one. It was at Vegas. I remember I was really good and my sister's friends said to push Selphie into the ocean when we were fighting...Good days...good days... ;)

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i think it was 3 years ago i just randomly bought KHII coz it was isney in itbut when i was in the beggining where u are roxas i was like HEEEEYYYY this is not disney >: ( but then i found out stuff about and then i couldn't beat demy (cuz i did not read anything AKA i did not have any abilities on)

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I was 15 years old and I actually didn't want to play it at first and my mother was the one who got the first kh game for her bday. She said it looked interesting. But she was having trouble and she asked me to help her and almost instantly I was hooked onto the game xD I've been playing it ever since.

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I remember being at my cousin's house the day it came out, and he came home the day it came out. He played it for about an hour, with me watching like a hound. Then he got bored and left w/ his g-friend. I wuz 6 and it was the best day of my life, I still remember climbing the stained glass stairs toward the Darkside boss. I always played it when I went over to his house, and in 03, he gave it to me as a present. It's heartbreaking to think it wuz the 2nd game I ever played. Sorry, so sorry mario.


It's been 9 years. Lovin evry minute of these games.

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I rented Kingdom Hearts 1 just to play it real quick. I thought it was going to be the stupidest thing ever. Disney with Final Fantasy? I didn't even like Final Fantasy at the time. Little did I know, Kingdom Hearts would change my life...


Fool. You didn't say "fool". lol

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I rented Kingdom Hearts 1 just to play it real quick. I thought it was going to be the stupidest thing ever. Disney with Final Fantasy? I didn't even like Final Fantasy at the time. Little did I know, Kingdom Hearts would change my life...


Fool. You didn't say "fool". lol


lol i noticed that too i was like "WHAT!!!! HE DIDN'T SAY FOOL. O.O" any way my first KH Game was kingdom hearts 2 i was about 11 and todays my 4 year anniversary so yay 1 more year to go until its been 5 years of me hooked on the best series EVER!!!!! with the best community ever i love you guys merry christmas :D

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