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Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link Chat

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For anyone needing something to play while waiting on news for KH4 and Missing Link I recommend picking up the Tales of Graces F remaster. I'm playing the PS3 version from scratch to celebrate that it got a remaster. Game is still very fun and the remaster version has some quality of life features to improve the experience from what I've been able to observe while watching Let's Plays/Streams of it on YouTube and reading on forums about the game.

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Battle system is extremely fun and story is good for like... the first 10 hours before it plateaus and is pretty much 'mid' for the rest of the game. (the following is an opinion)

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^Overall I actually prefer the battle system from Tales of the Abyss myself, but Graces is a close second. Story wise I find it serviceable at best due to an overall lack of sense of any real stakes, the childhood arc is cute and the adult and future arcs are at least as good as each other but don't get past the B tier for me.

That said Sophie gets one of the best character growth arcs out of the entire Tales series (Up there with Luke, Emil, Carol, and Shirley). Asbel, not so much. The dynamic between him and Sophie reminds me of the one between Reid and Meredy in Eternia (another one where the female protagonist ended up being the one with the better character growth arcs rather than the male protagonist).

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Tales of the Abyss got trademarked again recently if for some reason you can't see in the Discord so it might get re-released/remastered again as well. Which I say... Good. Release it from PS2/3DS prison

But this is off-topic for this specific channel lol

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16 hours ago, MegaChamp said:

Tales of the Abyss got trademarked again recently if for some reason you can't see in the Discord so it might get re-released/remastered again as well. Which I say... Good. Release it from PS2/3DS prison

But this is off-topic for this specific channel lol

The timing is appropriate for a remaster of Tales of the Abyss given we're coming up on a milestone anniversary year for it, but I worry they'll do a half-arsed job with it. The newest "remaster" for Symphonia was an absolute disaster.

At least Symphonia Chronicles meant you got both Symphonia's PS2 version and an improved version of Dawn of A New World each with dual audio. There was literally no selling point for the newest "remaster" of the first game considering it is really not that hard to get your hands on a PS3 & the Chronicles release for cheap (It's also just disgusting that you can pick up Chronicles which includes Dawn of A New World for cheaper than the new "remaster" which only has Symphonia).

The very least they could've done for the latest "remaster" was hire soundalike voice actors to the dub the skits in English so there was actually something new to look forward to even if the game runs poorly by comparison to previous released versions.

Abyss already had a pretty lackluster port in the 3DS version. No multi-player was a borderline unforgivable downgrade and you can't do the glitch that lets you get into places early and collect all the search point items easier. Also while the reduced lag from weather effects on the overworld are nice they didn't reduce it nearly enough. Graphics wise the game in its PS2 form was about as good as could be expected for the game's art style, there's only so far they can update them realistically speaking.

Aside from bringing the game to current gen consoles and PC the only real improvements I can think of that an Abyss remaster could bring besides them actually fixing the lag from the weather effects are not cutting the multi-player function like they had for the 3DS port, dual audio, getting soundalikes to voice the skits in English, and adding the sidequest indicator they put into the Graces F remaster (because honestly Abyss has a lot of plot relevant sidequests that are easy to miss).

In an effort to keep the thread on topic, I must report that Missing Link is still missing.

Edited by FadedSparkle

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Hmm... not sure if there's more to this message as there is a '...' in this one but oh well I guess. Yeah that's fair. I didn't buy the Symphonia PS5 version and just stuck with my Chronicles PS3 version lol. But they seemed to do a good job with the Graces f Remaster from what I've seen so far...? Only time will tell in this particular case

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^Yep. Here's hoping if they do remaster Abyss they don't muck it up. Also hoping they're working on the next game in the series as they've been very quiet since the DLC for Arise. I'll stop talking about the Tales series with this in order to not get myself or anyone who feels inclined to respond in trouble for being off topic.

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Meh lol. I don't know if you've seen my statements on Arise on the Discord... but TL;DR... it was a massive disappointment for me and, for me again at least, it appeared to be a new IP that wanted to be made but the Bandai Namco (or Scamco as I like to call them) SAO simping hire ups said 'no' to and ordered them to slap 'Tales of' on it. But anyway alright ending it now lol.

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^Arise while it has its moments definitely felt like a game that just barely belongs to the series it claims to be part of. The fact it has its own version of the sphere grid from FFX (even if it seems easier to understand), makes it an instant skip entry for me, but I have watched several Let's Plays. Going back to lurking now.

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Good morning all. I believe I accidentally ate a prototype version of Missing Link a few minutes ago that somehow ended up in my cereal. At least that's what the back of my box of Crunch Cereal has led me to believe. Apologies to all for not realizing such a valuable prize was in there sooner and accidentally eating it.

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