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Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link Chat

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Cause if that's the case we should just never critique any games ever cause "but what about the effort and work put into it", and that's just an almost lazy dismissal as far as I'm concerned.

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Like I get it, we all want a non mobile kh game again, but I want to have the character customization and combat on the go and this would be super fun for trips and stuff

Also you’d rather have a movie? That’s crazy

I will never pay square for just the cutscenes

I want fun gameplay and missing link promises fun gameplay

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That’s why we need to push for these games to legally need to have a end of service plan involving offline versions of play or private servers

Because these stupid companies having full ownership of our games needs to stop before it starts

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honestly this is the dumbest thing to be complaining about in the day and age where full sized console games have been releasing on mobile for the last decade. just because it's mobile does not mean it takes ANY less work on the development side. in fact, with it being gps centric and multiplayer, it is going to take even more work than a single player experience would.

yes snake you're right that it shouldn't fall down to accepting their incompetence, but again that's why this case is not a black and white "this is laziness" vs "this is dev hell" situation. they should not have left us in the dark for 5 months, but it is also not utter laziness. please, go develop a game that accurately depicts the streets and buildings of 90% of the world and tell me how easy it's going to be lol. mobile or not, you all are getting upset over the stupidest reasons and not the actual core issue being Square Enix higher ups forcing mobile games for more revenue and then changing their entire firetrucking business model to exclude mobile games while ML has been in development

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personally i think it was less criticism and moreso them realizing the back end was going to explode with the full force of the world playing vs just a few countries

i don't think they had it together with the gps stuff

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I don't feel i have to be a game dev to be able to understand and or critique a video game developer, company, or game

Yes, I don't know what it's like to develop a game

But i got 25 years with the hobby- I would like to think i know enough to have earned the right to talk a little more shit than the average Joe lol

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