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Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link Chat

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I thought that was the Kingdom Key, and the Kingdom Key only. The ability to wield a keyblade is just passed down from Master to Apprentice

My headcanon was that Subject X accidentally gave Lea the power, somehow

Although I feel like it would somehow have to be without actually summoning her keyblade, since it seems like she can't summon hers?

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this game man

is so utterIy joever

I just do not understand what's taking so Iong
it sure as heII ain't to make the game Iook any better in the gps stuff

the current beta was supposed to reIease 2 years ago and I see next to no differences in quaIity of any kind IiteraIIy what was it for

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I unironicaIIy wouId've rather they stuck to the PS2 styIe cuz at Ieast it'd Iook consistent
here we have PS2 modeIs mixed with UE4 Iighting and it just


didn't know the beta was avaiIabIe in that region


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yeah i was surpised i got the email 4 hrs before it started here. could and would of taken time off work to place it lol

lucky i have a public hoilday this monday i can smash this and pogo out with the kid all day.

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but it's taking them so Iong to even be in beta with 0 improvements being visibIe
I've just Iost any excitment I had for it

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