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Kingdom Hearts 4 Chat

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People will get salty at Jarod for being so popular when the content creators who say that shit have barely any of his creativity, and barely any of his on camera charisma lmao

Oh shit did I say that?

My bad.

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Io credo che tutti gli altri Youtuber, abbiano perso veramente la pazienza (stanno per diventare dei clown, come quei imbecilli della square enix e compreso quell bastardo geoff keighley).

Io credo che tutti gli altri Youtuber "per esempio uno com'è cynical", abbiano perso veramente la pazienza (stanno per diventare dei clown, come quei imbecilli della square enix e compreso quell bastardo geoff keighley).

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That 4k i don’t believe so much

Probably 1440p at max

But yes


Will they be at tgs tho ?

Announcement was rumored to be in fall

So next three months

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You're right DaZ it's important to remember that it was just a game 😔

Our lives were good before KH and they'll be good without it.

.... that being said I'd still really like this game tho 😭

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