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Kingdom Hearts 4 Chat

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Well sure but, it's not a competition lol

Dark isn't all about up front sinisterness it's about the layers underneath too- Star Wars has that in places to be sure

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Okay here's my theory for how kh4 will end

Sora Riku and Kairi fighting in an interdimensional space between their reality and the "unreality" against either Luxu or the guardian of the realities to get sora back to their original reality.

Sora has gained integral knowledge of the true darkness and now their new goal is to find the master of masters

The stinger is a big reveal that kairi is the True dandelion or something

The secret movie will be ventus lauriam, and elrena assembled by yen sid to task them with finding the lost union leaders

In finding them their own pasts will become clear

Luxury reunites with Yozora in quadratum

Demyx is revealed to be a host to one of the darknesses

Thus ends my long list of crackpot theories

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I don't want to lmao

It's far more interesting to be the host of something far more mysterious

I want master of masters to be noctis

Like versus 13 noctis

I don't know how it will work but him being versus 13 noctis would be sick

You could even have his eye turn from blue to red

Like og versus 13 noctis

Like whatever nomura is cooking with quadratum I hope he COOKS

Go all in balls to the wall final fantasy shenanigans

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the question is if he will have memories

or if it

sora taboo'd his way into quadratum, riku got a teleport ride, strel idk her reason tbh

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Okay I'll be honest. I was going* to make a joke about how the VA SAG-AFTRA strike was going to effect this game and delay it to 2028 but apparently games in development prior to September of last year are unaffected. I'm *fairly certain that includes this one? Unsure honestly... but... uh... yeah... 😅

puts self in time-out corner. again

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Posted (edited)

I can't remember who the VA is off the top of my head, but there has already been discourse in Japan among veteran voice acting talent (I'm not awake enough right now to remember if it was anyone who does voice work on KH) because of how AI is influencing things. And a voice acting legend Megumi Hayashibara was on All Night Nippon talking about the pros and cons of AI for voice actors. It is not only the outside world that will be effected by this, Japan very much will be and already likely is in small ways.

For example it does not take too much knowledge of Japan's entertainment industry to know that those in the industry not signed to one of the big five entertainment agencies is going to be struggling for work more than ever before thanks to the growing presence and influence of AI. Like for real, gods help anyone over there not signed to Ogi Pro, Ohta Pro, Hori Pro, or Stardust Pro. I would mention the fifth of the big five, but that one has kind of been self imploding due to a founder related scandal and might simply go kaput.

Regardless of any of this stuff though I've had a fear of a chunk of the voice actors from KH being replaced for phase 2 proper just because of how old some of them are getting. I mean sure they might still be able to do the voices but it wouldn't be an unusual move especially on the English dubbing front to replace some, most, or even all of a cast with younger less experienced folk that can be paid less.

And if KH4 really comes out circa 2030 that'd be almost an entire decade since the current voice actors worked on the series. It was one thing for them to be kept on to finish the first phase, but really it would not be the slightest bit surprising if they either got forced out or even just made the decision not to return by the time the game's ready.

Edited by FadedSparkle

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