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Kingdom Hearts 4 Chat

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i dunno how well that would flow in the heat of combat, but i am also terrible at building in the tiny bit that i've played fortnite so who knows lol

but i did just have a thought that maybe it has to do with switching your gear/ability sets?

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I know he's pretty strongly associated with the black coat, but I would love to see Luxu get some proper Foreteller drip now that hes back with the rest of the squad

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unlock specific abilities/styles when you've leveled them enough and be rewarded by getting to use them in base form 👀

drives but with more flashiness


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Now there would be a base set but you can replace said move in the category of like

Same for air combat

Mid would have like 3 slots

And past moves can be used so for ex. Kh2 Ariel finisher replace over hurricane blast

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Honestly any move that gives keyblades more individuality and purpose is always a plus

That's why I love keyblade transformations and the ability to upgrade keyblades so much

It makes getting new keyblades feel less like a cosmetic stat boost and more like a new tool to experiment with

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But imagine just having your fav abilities for your favorite keyblade and it changes according to the design so oathkeeper canon or oathkeeper Lance

But imagine just having your fav abilities for your favorite keyblade and it changes according to the design so oathkeeper canon or oathkeeper Lance

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Each Keyblade in three (mostly) has its own utility. If every Keyblade could have every ability and or stat, then everyone would just use the same one or two keyblades like the other games

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Well that's the thing right your going back to old formula but with the adjustment I said

So if you want tho some can do shield, gun, and spear then others can do canon, daggers, rapier

Man I do want a scythe for sora if he gets some dark abilities from a antiform or rage

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i am curious about how this will go. will the entire game be set in unreality and if so what does that mean for the worlds we see here? were they from the world of light and some how ended up there or are they part of unreality in the first place and there fore not easy to return to in future games? and what about donald and goofy? i would guess that whomever theyre looking for in the trailer (appears to be hades) will send them to unreality some how.

or will unreality just be a prologue and the game mostly takes part in the realm of light as usual and sora meets up with donald and goofy there

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