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Kingdom Hearts 4 Chat

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with it being a new arc its basically the 1st game of the new story

so they could even change how upgrading stuff works

be fun if kh4 had something like FF sphere grid for leveling up

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I think a lot of people like the idea of form changes due to the rpg aspect they add

and a big amount of people also love the resource management and feeling of drive forms

they can easily combine both systems

my idea was

you have 3 keyblade slots

1 for normal combos and kh2 style gameplay

and the other two slots fill slots for shields and magic

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gameplay wise? absolutely not
story? debatable for many

personally, the overall story was fine but the impact it left on the series and how much cleaning up the rest of the saga had to do because of it leaves a sour taste in my mouth still

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i love 3D

the introduction of slide and wall jumping was awesome. i spam that alot when theres many enemies.

also good way to run from bosses

and story was great imho

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I never really liked flowmotion so I never really used it, i actually didn't mind the story just for it's pure audacity, but it began some things about Kingdom Hearts' characters and story that I dislike to this day.

I think most folks that rate it high just like it's ️aesthetic

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cracks knuckles so here's the thing

There are a lot of flaws with the game (boss design, base combat feel, some story direction), but there's still a lot of fun to be had with 3D, like flowmotion is a lot of fun imo and a lot of the commands are cool as hell. Personally, I like dream eaters cuz a) cool concept and b) it lets me sudo build into my set up, like picking certain dream eaters for certain abilities or boosts. Now sure, there are some abilities that should have just been given to the player outright and I won't disagree with that. Also the level designs for most worlds, except Tron, are really well done and complement the movement abilities given

Also, yeah Sora's story is kind of mid ngl, but Riku's is very strong imo and very much develops his character that KH3 kinda squandered, but that's a conversation for another day

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Everytime i see the words “weather conditions” it reminds me of that God awful special dream eater making thing

Grinding munny was hell on earth too cuz it all depended on the weather 😭😭

Cool mechanic tho, wiuld love to see it implemented in kh4

Different worlds have different weather conditions depending on the time

Fire does more dmg, more munny drops etc etc

All that for some trophy pngs 😭😭😭

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