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Kingdom Hearts 4 Chat

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The reason why 2 worked for me is it showed sides of Sora that I really resonated with and thought were written well.

There's this idea that KH is a certain thing and flavor and can only remain that way- and I think it's extremely a backwards way of thinking.

KH is by its very existence odd and strange and experimental- that's why I got so mad at Dairy and others for hating on KH4 Sora lol- it's something different - it's always changing.

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Especially riku


I wish they still did non numbered games

Cuz like imagine getting a new kh game every 2-3 years

Kh2-kh3 was crazy




Final Mixes

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i didn't say it was bad, but it made kh2 stand out from the rest lol
(also imo it was a bad kind of unnecessary edginess but that's a different topic and something I've talked about here many times before so I'll refrain lol)

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I see

Part of me liked 2 alot cuz

I started off with kh3, and its combat didn’t require much from the player rather than pressing attack and special attack sometimes

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Then i went on to kh1 and found out it required actual skill plus i chose sword instead of shield and didnt use summons or limits which made my playthrough feel like hell

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