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Kingdom Hearts 4 Chat

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Atleast midori is accurate most of the time

Also dont talk smack about midori

Go check her tweets and see if she hasn’t got her shit right

Im js saying id rather trust someone whos right 85 percent of the time

Than someone who said they overheard kh4 dropping in 2025 but isn’t appearing at sgf

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Not that I'm wanting to take Midori as gospel, leaks are leaks and I think banking on someone too hard is a bad call for if they do eventually get something wrong

I'm pretty sure that happened to a different leaker a while back

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Yeah this is the issue I have. This is still a leaker, and one who acts like any other leaker after her non-retirement.

Yeah she's gotten stuff right but that's stuff for one company and even then she got some small stuff wrong

But everything outside of Sega has not been confirmed

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Which is why her supposed KH leaks are so funny because she only came out with that after the Steam news came out

Despite "knowing" there was a beta in april and still didn't say anything then

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Yeah we will see

I just find this idea to be so sure she's right to be hella weird

If she is, great. We have a proper leaker but right now it's not much to go off of.

I was gonna mention this too, his name was Snitch

Hella reliable and then suddenly most of his takes just weren't as good

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