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Kingdom Hearts 4 Chat

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And it's quite funny that they put Star Wars as their wish when, if they saw the trailer, they can literally see the foot of an AT-ST 😭

But maybe they didn't notice who knows

But it is* pretty sus that they would post something like that *now and not before

And, I'm still pretty irked at IGN for firetrucking up tbh

It should be no surprise cause they always do this with KH, but it still annoyed the hell out of me lol

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OMG okay so @Snakeskin94_1642611873

Imagine if Kairi went to Quadratum on her own (this happens way after Riku) and she walks in this huge fight that Sora's in and when he sees her, he reacts like when Peter/Spiderman reacted to Gwen being at the fight in TASM

Idk why but this literally just popped into my head 💀

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