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Kingdom Hearts 4 Chat

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Had a crazy idea for how we could get an Inside Out world in this game.

You know how we've had world-in-worlds in KH2 like Steamboat Willie and Tron? Well, since Riley's not a character in this verse, how about instead......it's KAIRI'S emotions! And Sora ends up there when trying to get back to her! Joy would be trying damnably to keep Kairi mentally under control with Fear, Disgust and Anger's backing, but poor Sadness KNOWS Kairi needs to vent and emotionally deal with her nearly dying and Sora having gone missing. The Heartless could show up as the equivalent of depression and maybe by the end of the level, Sadness is given permission to take control for a moment, and back outside, Kairi suddenly breaks down crying about Sora being gone and all that's happened. Sora somehow manages to talk to Kairi from within her subconscious and tells her not to worry and that he'll find a way home. This adventure could help clear a path back to Sora's own universe much like how Kairi remembering him played a role in Sora's memory recovery at the start of KH2.

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