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Kingdom Hearts 4 Chat

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Ah that's cool- I do that too lol; I'll never not feel a twinge of magic in my heart at seeing those Sora confirmed for Smash reactions.

They all said we were fools huffing copium, but I believed 😭

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Donald and Goofy be like 'Has anyone seen our son!!!' handing out photos of him to everyone, everywhere. I should be probably be more psyched for Sora's reunion for Riku and Kairi. But I totally need Donald and Goofy to find their way to Sora as fast as possible. Those 3 are the heart of the series. DX

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So when are you guys expecting a KH4 trailer? TGS or the rumoured september state of play?RoxasExcite oletteuh

remember that we got this trailer 2015

remember that we got this trailer 2015

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E3 2015 trailer
Then we got 2.8 announcment in 2016
2017 was the orchestra trailer

I wonder if they have another filler game like 2.8

Melody of Memory felt like cut dlc content that didn't make it into Re Mind

Also remember the pre release hype when we thought that KH3 will have a good story and bad combat

this trailer was hype as firetruck

this trailer was hype as firetruck

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I don't get my KH opinions from anyone but myself, unfortunately.

I remember when Biz would post his trailer analysis-- he meant well than some of the other ones, but, the "gameplay only" KH fans are so cynical and not fun to be around.

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I liked KH3's combat even base KH3. It didn't feel super polished and I thought it was overall just mid and not the evolution I wanted but I appreciated that they brought back the RPG aspect. No other KH game reached this type of fantasy where you can feel like a tank with the shield keyblades or like a mage. The combat was insanely strong from a RPG perspective imo

something that got lost with KH2

and now with Re Mind I think it's peak KH combat

Re Mind gave me everything I wanted

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KH2 is the same way, but, you need to like, equip certain stuff, and kinda go out of your way to get the OP set up. KH3 you just attack and thunder everything and it all dies lol

KH1 was the only one of the 3 where I felt I had to work to get OP lol

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