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Kingdom Hearts 4 Chat

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My botched ass theory is Vanitas is sleeping within Sora’s heart, as a part of his Darkness since Ventus healed without him. Since the Quadratum is full of Darkness, or completely absent of it, there’s no reason for Vanitas to sleep in Sora since the absence of light and dark is keeping him from fading.

There’s a better way to phrase what I’m thinking of, and a better way to word my theory, but I can’t think of it right now.

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Wait i just realized

Quadradum the area at least that was explained translated into english from the Japanese trailer Means "The world of the dead"

Sora actually did die then..

Its official

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Dead. Alive. No matter what it is, it seems like Sora is essentially dead to his own reality in that he can't exist there anymore. Kind of like Strelitzia and MoM it seems. I'm very curious when the next trailer will come out and if it will show more on how Sora looks at the place since Nomura stated the people from Quadratum would see Sora's reality as the fake one. Sora's and Yozora's pov on this will be pretty interesting since both have apparently wondered about how real anything is since way back before any of this stuff even happened to them. Like even compare it to Riku's pov when he's in Quadratum. How will Riku see Quadratum vs Sora?

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Basically like how Edward Elric's case in FMA Conquerer of Shambala, he went to the other side of reality, a reality like ours where there is no alchemy/magic is nothing like his world and everything is grounded. Not neccessarily dead but also doesn't have the means to go back his world either, he's practically marooned

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Sort of like that yeah

Don't we all lol

You're not wrong; Sora's got hella clout.

Think about it, homie's shook hands with Mickey, Mario, and handed Sephiroth his ass twice.

Does it get any cooler?

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Imagine after kingdom hearts 4

i been thinking what if the master of masters somehow brings sora into an alternate timeline without any of his memories and isnt aware he is living in a fake alternate world

like roxas but, even more insane

and in this world a lot of things are differnet

namine has white hair

and can control every event that happens in that point manipulating the course of time itself

Riku doesn't exist in this world and the kairi has blue hair and has a relationship with the sora we know.

instead of regular heartless they don't have a define shape or anything and just exists being a lot more aggressive and smarter than the regular heartless in the original timeline

a lot of the original events of the original kingdom hearts go normal except Xeanort's heartless nobodies and organization also all have blue hair

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There is no light or darkness here its reality and unreality

during the events of the regular chain of memories would go more normal but, the organization members would be a lot more cold in personality and way more aggressive against sora. with namine with the white hair explaing to the sora one single message with it "Wake up"

Sora ends up waking up but, he is suddenly at the world that never was that looks a lot more like quadradum with the castle oblivion in that timeline being all a dream

in the alternate reality created by the master of masters

His motive to torture sora in an alternate reality where no one could save him

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