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Kingdom Hearts 4 Chat

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The main thing putting me off from the original (besides ATB) is the graphics. I don't have any nicer way of putting besides...they're hideous. So hideous, in fact, I can't take the game seriously. Cloud looks more like a Muppet than a human being!

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Games like this are why I think the industry adopted polygonal graphics a little too quickly. Never mind the inherent problem of trying to convey a 3D environment on a 2D screen; which still hasn't been fully solved, by the way.

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I've learned to live with 3D since then, but any kind of 3D game that requires any kind of precision from me I just can't stand. Especially platformers. Like, yeah, you can get a vague idea of where you are in a 3D space, but without depth perception, you'll never know exactly where you are.

Unlike with 2D games, where this isn't an issue.

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