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Kingdom Hearts 4 Chat

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Well, depends on how the game goes really, if there's a consistent group of characters thats together for most the game then I'd say its pretty possible in that case, but if not then I hope at the very least they'll let us swap between a few people from time to time

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They would need to seriously up their game for party AI if they were to do that, I can only imagine long moments waiting for a res from your team who is sitting on items and choosing to fight instead

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we are taIking the ones that randomIy pop up right?

the party team attacks Iike DonaId FIare?

Iegit if DonaId FIare was a proper Iimit l wouId use it nearIy every mob fight

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I played through KH1 recently and I was horrified to find out that item shortcuts weren't always the norm. Cue me whipping through my item menu really fast to try and get some hp and mp back while fighitng sephiroth

I think the only limits I ever really used were like. tinkerbell

were the other limits really good?

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Summons you mean? Well I know there's prolly some good strats with some of them but for the most part eh they're not exactly great, genie is prolly the least awkward to use out of the damaging ones

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