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Which game you think deserve a remake?

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358/2 Days and re:coded. Out of the Xehanort or Dark Seeker Saga they are the only ones not available as proper games on current gen hardware, and despite being overlooked, and in the case of re:coded overhated, are genuinely good games that work better as games than as cinematics. The other Dark Seeker Saga games are available through the HD collections and are still very playable with graphics and gameplay that hold up in 2022.

Edited by jbmasta

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Definitely 358/2 Days. It was supposed to be fully remade for 1.5 HD Remix, but they decided not to do a full remake for some reason. Probably budget reasons and time constraints. Regardless, I would love to play the game in full HD.

I suppose Coded fits in this category as well, and I would definitely play a remake of it as well, but i would rather see Days remade first.

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I definitely would love to see a console remake of Union X. Some folks have never even played Union X, and just having the story and the cutscenes be ONLY exclusive via the app over consoles makes this a missed opportunity and I think that if their is one game that deserves a 3D remake in Unreal Engine and voice acting it would be Union X.

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