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Funny pick up lines!!! 8D

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Did you fart? Because you blew me away


I know its not Christmas, but Santa's lap is always ready.


Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?


I was blinded by your beauty so I'm going to need your name and number for insurance reasons.


I'm sorry, were you talking to me?

Her: No.

Well then, please start.


If you were the new burger at McDonalds you would be the Mcgorgeous!


Turn to the girl sitting next to you at the bar and say... "I'm not really this tall....I'm sitting on my wallet."


Do you mind if I hang out here until its safe back where I farted


I'm like chocolate pudding, I look like crap but im as sweet as can be.


You've been a bad girl/boy. Go to my room!


What has 142 teeth and holds back the incredible hulk? My zipper. (O.o ... this one .. was REALLY perverted xD)


Your eyes are as blue as my toilet water at home. (AHAHA!!!!)

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You want to hear a perverted one...


You got 208 bones in your body want another? <3


O.O WoW i'm trying to picture the kind of person that would say that ! lol!

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here's some more xD:


Don't be so picky... I wasn't!


.Want to play conductor? You be the engineer and I'll go choo choo


You sure have a great looking tooth (<--- WTF)


You be the tree, and I'll wrap you like a Koala.


Do you have a mirror in your pocket? [No, why?] 'Cause I can see me in your pants


My love for you is like diarrhea. I just can't hold it in.


[Note: for use when someone you know is getting married] Hi, I'm throwing the bachelor/bachelorette party for a friend of mine, and I need a stripper. Interested?


That's a nice dog/cat/pet. Does it have a phone number?

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