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Kingdom hearts dream drop distance

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I played about four hours in kingdom hearts dream drop distance, I played four hours and now I'm in the third world) Tron (I meanwhile did not like the game so much ... at what point the game ... will be interesting?

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honestly my least favourite game in the whole series! even more so than recoded which is saying a lot. the story bosses near the end are just way too hard, even on easy mode (xemnas, ansem, the anti-black cloak creature, young xehanort and and the armoured ventus nightmare). as the true sequel to birth by sleep it fails in almost every aspects but I get why this game is so different. I wish the drop mechanic wasn't the way that it was with jumping back between sora and riku all the time, but luckily it was fixed in the ps4 2.8 version. this was also the game that started the trend of having important cutscenes after you complete a world. which carried over into kh3. it worked out perfectly in that aspect but overall I'll never touch the 3DS version again I'm sorry. only 2.8 if I ever feel like it again at all.

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I found it interesting from the beginning albeit the concept of a sleeping world is one I am not clear on even now among a few other things which are major spoilers so out of respect shouldn't be mentioned in a first timer's thread. 
The drop mechanic was at times obnoxious and I felt it could've used a few more worlds but overall, however,  Dream Drop Distance is one of my favorite installments with II and BBS. 

To be honest, the Grid can be a bit of a slow world as is the film Tron:Legacy if computer jargon isn't really your thing but it does have importance at least on Sora's end.  

I would say, however, that the real meat and potatoes of the plot is in the climax/final battles. 

  On 1/18/2022 at 5:26 AM, RugratsNappiesFanatic said:

the story bosses near the end are just way too hard, even on easy mode (xemnas, ansem, the anti-black cloak creature, young xehanort and and the armoured ventus nightmare).

While I have played both versions, thus far I have only completed the 3DS version, however the one of those battles that I found to be difficult was the mysterious cloaked figure. The rest of the battles were fairly easy for me in comparison and I always play on Normal mode at minimum. 

The one other battle that was a struggle for me was the damn Spellican in Sora's Symphony of Sorcery. Christ that thing was a nightmare and that was when the drop concept really got obnoxious. 

I am NOT looking forward to revisiting these battles if I ever manage to resume 2.8 (my stepdad has been holding the household PS4 hostage for some time). 

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