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KH1 Did anyone else notice this?

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i was treasure hunting in deep jungle, and I was outside the treehouse. i saw a barrel, so naturally i wanted to throw it down into the jungle. i pushed it off the ledge, and jumped down into the net to throw it off. Goofy got in my way, so i tried to throw the barrel at him. And here's the weird thing: It worked. Is it just me who does this, or is there anyone else out there that tries to murder Goofy by barrels?


wow I sound evil:s

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Wow, I've never noticed this before : |


I always thought you couldn't hit your own team members with items, haha! But Now I know.

I should play Kingdom Hearts again ;o

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Oh, this I have to try. I hate having them constantly following me. xD


On the topic of those barrel/boxes things, when I was like 10 I deemed them 'friendship boxes' and would try to give them to the characters I liked.

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