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a wolves paradise RP

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Azura and Oliver kissed as they layed on the snow. The moonlight shinning above them. They would have a long life ahead of them. Filled with danger yet with peace. No longer they searched for paradise. Because having eachother was a paradie enough for them.


We gaveup our search for paradise

No longer we smell the sweet flower we were chasing after

For we found an even better paradise

one of our own,with our love and hope

maybe one day we'll find the paradise by accident

but until that day

Oliver,is all hat I need for my paradise



The end




Ah... This wonderful rp. The first rp I was ever in. This will always be in my memories. Oliver, my first character. *Sighs* We did a great job, Star. Thank you for roleplaying with me good friend. *Smiles*

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