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KH1 pseudo-Heartless

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I was looking on Kingdom Hearts wikia and when I was reading Sora-Heartless section one part said that Sora remains a pseudo-Heartless throughout his battle with Ansem, Seeker of Darkness.What is a pseudo-Heartless.

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There is no such thing as a pseudo-heartless. There are only Emblem and Pureblood Heartless. Don't trust anything Wikia tells you, it gets edited all the time by anyone.

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"Pseudo" is a word used to indicate something that is false or pretending to be something it's not.


That aside, there's a reason no one really believes anything from the KH wiki.

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"Pseudo" is a word used to indicate something that is false or pretending to be something it's not.


That aside, there's a reason no one really believes anything from the KH wiki.


Well since sora is not complete after Hollow bastion.


I guess this is is one way to describe him.


Since in order for a person to be complete again the heartless and nobody must be defeated.

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What they mean by "Psuedo" Heartless is that Sora was technically a Heartless from the end to KH1 all the way until the end of KH2, but he still had a Human form, and still was able to wield the Keyblade, thus being a "false" Heartless in a sense.

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What they mean by "Psuedo" Heartless is that Sora was technically a Heartless from the end to KH1 all the way until the end of KH2, but he still had a Human form, and still was able to wield the Keyblade, thus being a "false" Heartless in a sense.


Pretty much, except it's only until the end of the prologue of KHII.


It basically means he's a Heartless given full human form through Kairi's PoH powers. I guess you could say Ansem SoD is a pseudo-Heartless in a way. Not to the point as Sora, but still.

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Well, Roxas didn't fully merge with Sora until the end of KHII, before the final battle with Xemnas, if I am not mistaken. Hence the Anti-Form and all of that. I may be wrong though, I am not so sure.

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Well, Roxas didn't fully merge with Sora until the end of KHII, before the final battle with Xemnas, if I am not mistaken. Hence the Anti-Form and all of that. I may be wrong though, I am not so sure.


Roxas was part of him again, but was simply dormant within him (so technically no, not fully merged). But the return of Roxas returned Sora to his original self, and the Anti-Form was just a by-product of his time as a Heartless mixed with the magic in his new clothes.

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